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GO application, as a windows service, does not generate pdf from html when running chrome headless

Context: Windows Service -> HTTP GO Application -> "Exec" Package -> CMD Command -> Chrome Headless --print-to-pdf Summary: When trying to convert the page "a.html" to &...
RAF's user avatar
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How can I fix an AppArmor policy prevents this sender from sending this message to this recipient?

I've tried everything and done a lot of research to fix this problem, but nothing works. My goal was to convert my HTML file to PDF with Chromium Headless, but I got this error: johndoe@domain:/var/...
Richardson Oge's user avatar
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Puppeteer - Disable Chrome Spell Check

I am working on a project that uses screenshot comparison to perform e2e testing. The testing process involves spinning up a browserless/chrome Docker container and then pointing Puppeteer to the ...
bstovall's user avatar
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How to render non-latin characters in chrome-php on Almalinux system when browser is running in headless mode?

Non-Latin characters are showing as boxes or not showing at all when text in rendered in headless chromium running via Chrome-Php on AlmaLinux OS as seen below: The characters show as intended when ...
dc09's user avatar
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How to resolve difference in font rendering between Chrome on Windows & Chromium on CentOS via chrome-php? [closed]

I am using chrome-php to render webpages in headless mode on my CentOS server. The webpages load a HTML 5 canvas via fabric.js. The text renders as intended on Chrome in Windows but on CentOS via ...
dc09's user avatar
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How to host Selenium on AWS with a non-headless Chrome browser instance for users?

I am trying to build a bot that automates an hour long training course for my college for students to use. I was originally going to host the bot on AWS but I do not want the app to run in headless ...
Aidan Rooney's user avatar
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How can I get the dependencies of centos google-chrome-stable when I have a Debian machine?

I am working on Debian but am using a Docker image using yum (hence why I think Centos), specifically FROM amazoncorretto:17.0.11-al2). I need to get the dependencies of google-chrome-stable and I can ...
HeronAlgoSearch's user avatar
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Detect JavaScript error with headless_chrome

I am trying to use the Rust crate headless_chrome to run some JavaScript and detect when it throws an error. Below is what I have so far. I have just been using trial and error as the crate has almost ...
Max888's user avatar
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Selenium headless broke after Chrome update [duplicate]

After updating google chrome this weekend, headless mode using Selenium python API is bringing up a blank window when running in windows. The identical code I had running on a Debian VM does not work ...
user9099944's user avatar
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Not able to handle the Java launcher popup in chrome using selenium Java after upgrading the chrome to 128 version.can I get solution for this

Not able to handle the Java Web launcher popup in headless chrome after upgrading the chrome version to 128 We have tried to use to multiple options to disable the plugins in automation code or tried ...
Kavi's user avatar
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Chrome 129 Headless shows blank window

Today, I updated the Chrome browser to the latest version (129). After the update, running Chrome in headless mode produces an unusual result: a blank white window appears, matching the size of the ...
MagDev's user avatar
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Headless chrome instance inside a livekit docker container not able to pick up on underlying GPU

I have been trying to enable WEBGL support on Livekit Egress and use it to stream webGL games. Here's the Livekit Egress repo The problem I'm facing is that the headless instance that egress is using ...
Qile's user avatar
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Running headless chrome on EC2 g4dn instance. Not able to output chrome://gpu

I have been trying to get the headless chrome / google chrome to run on EC2 instance with a GPU (g4dn.xlarge). The purpose of it would be to stream video game application. I followed this article to ...
Qile's user avatar
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ReadTimeoutError between Selenium and Chromedriver in AWS Synthentic canaries

I have a set of Selenium tests running in AWS Synthetic canaries. I recently upgraded the runtime the canaries use from syn-python-selenium-2.1 to syn-python-selenium-4.0 and the tests have started ...
Oli Boorman-Humphrey's user avatar
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My code is working without "headless" option but it doesnt work on "headless"

This is my code it works without headless, the website gives makes the request as expected but in headless mode it doesnt make the expected request. It can be about the website that im trying to log ...
Mert's user avatar
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