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Why Chrome DevTools Protocol HeadlessExperimental.beginFrame does not return screenshot data for a long time(30s) in headless mode?

Headless brower is playing a video, and I want get every frame data. Sometimes frameData can not get screenshot data but sometimes it work. And I don't know how to debugger this issue. Here is my code:...
gengxin li's user avatar
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Puppeteer old Headless deprecation warning:

const bot = require("puppeteer"); const fs = require("fs"); const botConfiguration ={ headless:false, executablePath:"C:/Program Files/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe&...
jaytheblogger's user avatar
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Puppeteer crashes on browser.close() with: Received signal 11 <unknown>

I have not found any question that addresses an issue I face with a puppeteer script. The script runs fine and produces a screenshot, except that it crashes at the end in browser.close(). I reduced ...
Peter Thoeny's user avatar
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How do I recurrsively call multiple URLs using Puppeteer and Headless Chrome?

I am trying to write a program to scan multiple URLs at the same time (parallelizaiton) and I have extracted sitemap and stored it as an array in a Variable as shown below. But i am unable to open ...
Arvind Ravichandran's user avatar
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Is there a way to target a specific element using Puppeteer AND preserve the CSS when converting html to pdf?

I'd like to convert some html to a pdf file. The problem is that I just need a part of a webpage and most certainly not all elements. So I was wondering if there is a way to target a single element ...
Reinier68's user avatar
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Google Chrome Headless Error "Not supported" When using getDisplayMedia trying to record screen from Chrome Tab in Puppeteer

I am using Puppeteer latest version with Chromium 80 and I'm trying to record video from page in chrome headless and turned on all these flags: { headless: true, devtools: false, args: [ '--...
Hirad Nikoo's user avatar
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Puppeteer when running in full (non-headless) is always black on all websites

I just got started with puppeteer, I'm it on full mode to learn how it works and create my tests. It worked fine for the first few runs but then the browser turns to black. Here is how it looks like: ...
Abderrahman Gourragui's user avatar
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Failed to launch chrome! spawn ...node_modules/puppeteer/.../chrome ENOENT TROUBLESHOOTING when using Puppeteer

I was trying to build a quick lambda that prints a pdf with a specific url, but I get this error: Failed to launch chrome! spawn ...node_modules/puppeteer/.../chrome ... TROUBLESHOOTING Methods ...
abadraja's user avatar
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How to make puppeteer work through socks5 proxy?

I bought a proxy server version of socsk5. In all manuals the same example const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: true, ignoreHTTPSErrors: true, defaultViewport: {...winSize},...
Chupurnov's user avatar
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how to abort requests in Puppeteer with a timeout

When taking screenshots with Puppeteer I notice that some aren't taken because a script on the website takes to long to load which triggers the goTo timeout (after 60 secs). I can't increase the ...
turrican_34's user avatar
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Puppeteer: multiple user requests to the same Chromium instance

To hopefully save on system resources I want to run user requests through the same Chromium version in Puppeteer. If a user submits a form on my site which calls Puppeteer, and Chromium is already ...
turrican_34's user avatar