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What arrows to use in component diagrams to show relations between JPMS layers?

JPMS supports multiple layers. For example boot layer and its two child layers. And I need to show these layers on UML diagram. For this I selected component diagram where every layer is a component. ...
Stefman1987's user avatar
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Running a modular Java application built by Gradle from IntelliJ IDEA

How to run a Java class with a main method from Idea in project managed by Gradle in a modular way? For class like package org.example.moduledemo; public class Main { public static void main(...
czerny's user avatar
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javac --patch-module doesn't work as expected at compile time

I want to compile my program with the use of the internal API of a modular java library which in addition is package-private. In the future I also want to fine-tune the package access at runtime to ...
basin's user avatar
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java 9 modules causing errors

Recently we have started migrating to java 17 from 8. We found some jaxb exceptions (shown below) which got resolved after adding --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED. I am not sure if this is ...
Sanjay's user avatar
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Transform simple FO file to PDF using fop 2.10 and JPMS

I did an example that you may clone by git clone Importing it to Eclipse as an existing Maven project and let it run leads to Unable to derive module ...
ngong's user avatar
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Unable to use module in modular java project

I am trying to use Microsoft's azure-identity module) in a Gradle app. However .\gradlew run fails with this stack trace: > Task :run java.lang.module.FindException: Module msal4j.persistence....
snorm's user avatar
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Can't run Hibernate in a module environment

The problem I'm having trouble trying to make Hibernate run in a project that have modules. I am trying to modernize an old tool that uses and old version of Hibernate with javax-based JPA and I am ...
Victor Stafusa's user avatar
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Java: Need to read jackson.databind module, but it does not exist

I have a class MyClass inside java module com.example.mymodule, which needs to use com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper. When trying to run the app, I get the following error: java.lang....
Jardo's user avatar
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How to compile Java module by using --module-source-path?

I'm trying to compile a Java module that is located in a separate directory from my project's source root. Here's my project structure: Foundation-Test-1: │ .gitignore │ Foundation-Test-1.iml │ ├──...
happy's user avatar
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Modules spring.jcl and org.apache.commons.logging export package org.apache.commons.logging to module'

In one of my java spring projects with the following pom (extract): <parent> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-parent</...
PowerStat's user avatar
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How to run a JavaFX app in Eclipse with Gradle dependencies?

If I try to run a JavaFX app with a classic classpath inside Eclipse then I get follow warning: WARNUNG: Unsupported JavaFX configuration: classes were loaded from 'unnamed module @7b58231a' That I ...
Horcrux7's user avatar
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Whats the reason for: module not found: org.jspecify

After doing some dependency updates on my project (Java 17 with modules) I got the following error message during compilation: [INFO] --- compiler:3.13.0:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ energy-...
PowerStat's user avatar
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A method to open jdk.compile from the lombok source

I referenced lombok.'s method of opening jdk.compile in jdk21,which opens jdk.complie at the initialization stage of the annotation processor private static void addOpensForLombok() { ...
Photon's user avatar
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cannot access class (in module jdk.compiler)

I have customized an annotation handler using java21. The pom file of the project where the annotation processor is located is shown below: <project xmlns="
Photon's user avatar
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Why am I getting java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/sql/Driver when using a custom class loader?

This works with Java 8: public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { URLClassLoader loader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[0], null); System.out.println("&...
Reto Höhener's user avatar

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