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How to trigger the DOM inside ion-select that uses *NgFor on the first try with ionChange event from a previous ion-segment value

I'm trying to narrow down the options on sub-category based on the selected value on a category. I am using an (ionChange) function that filters the array based on the category it's selected. when I ...
skassi's user avatar
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How to display the index data in a *ngFor?

I have the following html in my angular application <div class='order-list'> <div *ngFor="let order of orders"> <div class="...
homerThinking's user avatar
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How to apply a single style to the selected element within an *ngFor?

within my angular application, I'm going through the following array of objects to display my elements on the screen [{ "name": "Equipment", "functional_id": "furniture", "products": [ { ...
homerThinking's user avatar
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Angular formControl - set a value in a particular row in the ngfor loop

Please refer to complete code here at stackblitz When modify the first columnm dropdown to Model, it's observed that the 3rd column show list of models. click on add row button --> for second row, ...
user21's user avatar
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Pass dynamic data from parent to child component in Angular 7

I am having this code: <ion-item *ngFor="let product of products"> <ion-label> {{ product }} </ion-label> </ion-item> <ng-container *...
Kathrine Hanson's user avatar
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Radio buttons in Template-Driven Forms

Every time the page loads the last radio button is always checked. I know it has something to do with Id but I cannot figure out how to solve it. countryArray countryA = [{name : "Finland"}, {name : ...
MenimE's user avatar
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Dynamics hashtag with angular 7 in ngFor and get value

I need a help. So my code in angular 7 is: (html) <ng-container *ngFor="let camera of cameraArray; let i = index"> <div class="border-padding"> <mat-form-field class="...
Mr. Developer's user avatar
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How do I apply NgClass to single iteration through NgFor using parent/child components?

I am trying to hide/show tiered buttons on a parent button click. Three buttons on tier 1 are generated using ngFor. I am unsure how to select only the desired tier when clicked instead of all of them....
Ashley Swinehart's user avatar
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How to add angular element selector inside the ngFor

I have 4 angular elements (Web Components) in my projects. I have added script tag for those web components in index.html <script src="web-angular-element.js"> </script> and i want to ...
Harmeet Singh's user avatar
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ngFor For complicated json

I have following JSON data and using *ngFor in Angular 7 need to display data in tabular format. <table class="table"> <tbody> <tr> <th></th> <td&...
aba0303's user avatar
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Angular 7 flexbox with ngFor

I am trying to use flexbox inside a ngFor loop to get data in columns. Flexbox wrap property is on to show data in rows for smaller screens. But data is showing in rows even on bigger screens. My code ...
Hasan Zubairi's user avatar
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*ngfor not display any data in Angular7

I 'm using angular7 , and here is my code : in component.ts import { Component, OnInit } from "@angular/core"; import { FocusAreasService } from "../../services/focus-areas.service"; @Component({ ...
Shinji035's user avatar
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Trigger click on specific item under nested loop Angular ngFor

How to target on the specif item under the nested loop <ul #parents *ngFor="let parent of parents"> <li #child *ngFor="let child of parents.childGroup"> {{}} </li> &...
ShibinRagh's user avatar
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Need Some help on data iteration through ngFor

I am new to angular, I am calling rest api and getting response back successfully but I am not able to iterate that response by ngFor in my html file . This is my component.ts file import { ...
Akshay Champavat's user avatar
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display all the users from the firebase

I need to display all the users that were created in the firebase I tried to make a list of observable but it didn't show anything export class UsersListComponent implements OnInit { users: ...
loay's user avatar
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