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How to get checked checkbox vaule inside ngFor/ngIf?

I have data like so: const List: Array<Item> = [ { id: 1, name: 'somename' } ... ] Then html looks like this: <ng-container *ngFor="let item of list; let i = index;"&...
dozobus's user avatar
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How to use unique reference in a loop

With Angular I am using this date time picker in loop and I need to assign a unique reference. So far I hardcode it to req_d1 but it creates some problem. I would like to know how could I set a ...
Pierre's user avatar
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How to combine string and array in string interpolation of ngfor in Angular

I have an array of objects, I would like to combine a string and an array while showing in ngfor iteration. temp: [ { "value1": "as", "value2": "[a, b, c, ...
Naeem Akhtar's user avatar
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Search working only on the current page in Angular 17

This search function is searching only from the shown page. If I'm on page1, it searches only on page1; Likewise, if I'm on page2, it searches only on page2. What changes do I need to do to fix this? ...
Elaine Byene's user avatar
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Passing data to the child component through loop Angular

I need to pass data from array in parent component to child component and for every element in array create child component with passing data in it. That's my parent component: @Component({ selector:...
Dmytro's user avatar
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Sum for ngFor item using Angular 17

I am displaying data in a ngFor repeat. Here's my JSON: { "status": "success", "data": [ { "_id": "668aaab4d4f3277010802ad9&...
Elaine Byene's user avatar
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How to add object values from an array of multiple objects into an array readable for ngFor?

I get an array like this: obj_Array = [{"Information":{ID: 1, Name: "Frank"}},"Route":{Direction: "north", Time: 10:50:24},"Music":{volume: "loud&...
Hoonin's user avatar
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How to I create a Mat-Step with for loop which has individual components inside?

I have around 20 forms created as difference components and implemented with mat-stepper as below <mat-step> <form [formGroup]="form1"> <component1></...
Sam K's user avatar
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Why is this *ngFor loop rendering the data twice?

I have an NG Bootstrap Accordion element that, when open, displays a list of contact cards. For some reason the list of contacts output by the ngFor is duplicated and renders twice. The data is not ...
joed4no's user avatar
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Angular mat-menu in ng-template with ngFor

I'm trying to create an ng-template with ngFor instead of duplicated mat-menus in my html. But I'm having trouble with the menu trigger. I understand it needs to be unique for the trigger to work but ...
Adi Fuchs's user avatar
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Template/view using for directive is not getting updated with signal

I have this code. In debug I can see that WorkersComponent#workers are updated properly. Unfrotunatelly ui is not updated. What's wrong? @Component({ selector: 'app-planning-workers', templateUrl: ...
Damian Kapłon's user avatar
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Creating a Angular table with dynamic columns with the count

I need to create table like below in Angular with my API data. Each product will have multiple station's with the count. What I need is Each product I need to display in a row also station needs to be ...
Velkumar's user avatar
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Ngx Formly repeat section with last element

I want to display checkbox element only in the last element of the repeat section. I'm trying with last part of the *ngFor; Stackblitz Instead true I would like to display checkbox element. Is there a ...
glistolin's user avatar
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Custom angular directive is not working in WebStorm IDE. Expression expected in ngFor angular

I've created a custom directive called ngForFlTrackByIndex to be used inside ngFor. Everything is fine in vscode but in WebStorm complains Expression expected. Also the directive code: @Directive({ ...
Alireza Ahmadi's user avatar
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Angular: property binding with the property name constructed inside the loop

I have multiple properties: tier1_eligibility: FormControl<boolean>; tier2_eligibility: FormControl<boolean>; tier3_eligibility: FormControl<boolean>; which I want to bind to ...
Dejan's user avatar
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