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How to make NSTableHeaderCell fully transparent?

Especially in NSTableHeaderCell, in drawInterior, I have set in func drawInterior to draw the background with "clear" color to make it transparent(with NSVisualEffect added to clipView) but ...
dsx's user avatar
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tableHeaderView is overlapping cells when adding custom view to subview of container view

I am currently using a UIViewController and adding a UITableView to the view. With this tableView I am adding a UIView called containerView to its tableHeaderView. I set the height of the container ...
Simon McNeil's user avatar
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How to determine when the cells in a tableView are returned so as to add a uiview after its finished?

I'm working with some legacy code and it looks like they added a custom sticky header view in the viewDidLoad. The issues is that I need to add the sticky header view AFTER the other cells are ...
SwiftyJD's user avatar
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IOS swift tableview get headerview for a section

Following is my code to add header to section func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, viewForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> UIView? { let optionsForSection = isMutliLevelOptions() ? options ...
amodkanthe's user avatar
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how to add subview at specific point in the view

I'm adding a imageView and UISearchController.searchBar to tableView.tableHeaderView. but don't find the correct way to show the searchBar after the Image. let view = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y:...
Yoel Jimenez del valle's user avatar
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Tableview header is overlapping the cells

I have a view controller with a table view. Tableview has a table view header and dynamic cells. I have added a UIView as table view header and it has multiple labels with dynamic heights. All works ...
Mahadhi Hassan Chowdhury's user avatar
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tableHeaderView preserves state when popping viewController except ContainerViewController

I have a tableViewController with a tableHeaderView. When I'm at the top of the tableView and I scroll the tableView up slightly the tableHeaderView is hidden and can reappear again by scrolling down ...
alionthego's user avatar
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How to fix tableHeaderView and make it scrollable programatically in swift 3?

I used UITextView for tableHeaderView but it moves. How can I fix tablHeaderView? And also when text is too much, it is off of the tableHeaderView. So I want to make it scrollable too. How do I make ...
Ryo's user avatar
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Use a UITableView as other tableView.talbeHeaderView

I use a tableView(named tableViewTwo) as other tableView.talbeHeaderView The tableViewTwo cant scroll Why and What can I do UIView *view1 = [[UIView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, ...
CoderYL's user avatar
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Message flow problems with NSTableHeaderView and NSTableHeaderCell while trying to produce transparent NSTableView Header

Problem: I am trying to create a custom transparent TableView Header and I have created subclasses of NSTableHeaderView and NSTableHeaderCell and overridden -drawWithFrame:inView and -...
Max Taggart's user avatar
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Access each header and controls in the tableview in swift

I have a UITableView with customized header. In that header I have a button with image. func tableView(tableView: UITableView, viewForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> UIView? { let cView = ...
Lydia's user avatar
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How do I override layout of NSTableHeaderView?

I am trying to produce a custom header for my NSTableView. I would like to change the font of the header text and remove the borders and vertical separators. My current top and bottom header is shown ...
iphaaw's user avatar
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Cocoa: Custom NSTableHeaderView height and background color

I tried to change height for NSTableHeaderView,the height was changed,but there was a piece of white on the background.This is my code: for subView:NSView in topScrollView.subviews { for ...
Lau Cherish's user avatar
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UIView Programmatic Width Constraint

What kind of constraint(s) do I need to add in order to ensure when the phone rotates the search bar and label span the width of the phone? Below is code I am using to spin up a search bar & ...
aherrick's user avatar
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Table Header View Auto Size when hide sub view

I have placed attached view inside tableheaderview. When there is change in template based on that SMS view 1 and/or EMail view 2 will hide un hide. I want that it should resize tableheaderview based ...
Ruchish Shah's user avatar

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