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Add Custom Title of Table using before every table while exporting multiple tables in a single PDF file using PDFMake

I want to add custom data attribute(data-sheetname - in my case) as a title before every table while exporting it to the PDF using PDFMake. I've written a code that is generating a pdf for multiple ...
Anubhav kalra's user avatar
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PDFMake - Export multiple datatables into single PDF file with Pdfmake

I want to export multiple data tables into a single PDF file using PDFMake. I've modified my code to generate PDF for multiple tables by taking reference from Here. But In my case the PDF is ...
Anubhav kalra's user avatar
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Uncaught Unrecognized document structure

I am trying to export data table content as PDF, including the image at the first column, image are encoded to base64 then pass the url in the customize function. With following PDFMake documentation, ...
Osama Shaki's user avatar
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Datatables PDFExport align row content vertically middle

I have a Datatables which exports pdf document as below: How can I make the text inside the rows align vertically middle like below? Here is my sample code: <html> <head> <...
Partho63's user avatar
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How to add multiple rows in dataTable pdf header

I use pdfMake to export dataTable content to a pdf. I need to add a nice looking header at the top of the table and also a title. I have this in my dataTable pdf export script. doc['header']=(...
bituze's user avatar
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How can we add line above footer in pdf of datatable?

I have the following code to add footer in pdf. $(document).ready(function() { $('#example').DataTable({ "dom": 'Bfirtlp', buttons: [{ extend: 'pdfHtml5', ...
nilnit's user avatar
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how to add pdfmake script to datatable

I'm trying to work with DataTables Export feature, Now my current requirement is to export a custom pdf (change the font size, color, etc.). In the DataTable documentation, it states, that we can ...
Alvin's user avatar
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how to export datatable cell with image into a pdf file using pdfmake

I followed this link and able to get datatable working with pdfmake. However if a column (or a cell) contains image, that cell is ...
Nithy Kumar's user avatar
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DataTables & PDFmake

I'm trying to work with DataTables Export feature, where I am able to export as CSV, xlxs, pdf. Now my current requirement is to export a custom pdf (change the font size, color, etc.). In the ...
Darshan's user avatar
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