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HTML To PDF in Angular

I want to download my Angular (HTML) which is using primeng UI library by using any NPM PDF package but my requirement is like i want to download my DOM as an PDF also the PDF is searchable. Most of ...
Hassan's user avatar
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Dynamic PDF Generation Angular , NodeJS

Trying to generate a pdf something like this. Although this is not ideal. for more than a week has gone, not able figure which approach should i go for. Client Side : html to pdf generation didn't go ...
Sachin ganeshkar's user avatar
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htmlToPdfmake set the alignment in the page footer

How can put page numbers in the center of the page footer in the following code var val = htmlToPdfmake(html_all); var dd = { content: [val], styles:{'html-table':{alignment:'center'},'html-...
Shubair's user avatar
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Repeat Header in every page jsPDF

I need to repeat a header on every page that I create and export to a pdf, using jsPDF. In this case, I want to repeat the div with id="id1" on every page. I am using React. The code is ...
JohnWick's user avatar
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Create PDF in angular 8 in Hebrew

I want to export a PDF in hebrew language using pdfmake library. I have a html page which contains the some hebrew text.I have used canvas linrary for screenshot but I want only text pdf not an image
TheZaidSheikh's user avatar
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Can pdfmake generate mixed highcharts(SVG) and other html content?

I want to use pdfmake to download a whole html page into PDF. However, my page is mixed with highcharts,plain text,html and images. When I try to export my page, all the highchart part are missing (...
Qing Xu's user avatar
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Get "blob" Data generated by "pdfmake" js library and Send it to Server via ajax (Laravel Controller)

I have a JavaScript function that generates PDF file using "jsPDF" : (works fine) var doc = new jsPDF("p", "mm", "a4"); doc.addImage(data, 'JPEG', 10, 10, 280, 140); var blob = doc.output('blob'); ...
kianoosh Azarvandi's user avatar
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Generate pdf reports in Hebrew

I have tried all the react pdf generators to support Hebrew text. I successfully built the whole reporting system with pdfmake, but then I came to realize it doesn’t support Hebrew ( rtl ). I tried to ...
user11794183's user avatar
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Export pdf UTF-8 encoding

I have some trouble with exporting data to pdf with arabic characters , the encoding is incorrect I tried jsPDF with jsPDF-AutoTable plugin, and i tried pdfMake But the problem still exists In ...
Hamza Hashim's user avatar
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Don't support turkish character with export pdfmake

I am using Bootstrap table. When I click data-export button and I select PDF, content doesn't support Turkish character. Document is up.
Nermin Ilgın's user avatar
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is it possible repeat rows of table in pdf file with pdfmake.js

Is it possible torepeat rows in table generated in pdf with pdfmake.min.js? I am creating a PDF file. in which I need to repeat row of table according my api response, which is an array of object. ...
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Install clientside PDF editor with WebPack + npm: At all possible?

I want to create PDF's clientside (in the browser). I'm using WebPack to bundle my javascript application and npm to install the needed libraries. I've tried the following without success: pdfmake ...
Berco Beute's user avatar
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how to get full web page pdf in pdfmake?

I am working on a web application and I have to convert a HTML page (have multiple tables and datatables) to PDF. I am using pdfmake to convert the content of the page to PDF. This is the script I ...
Chirag Kawariya's user avatar
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Generate PDF with Latin/Chinese/Japanese characters

I tried to generate a PDF in client-side using jsPDF and pdfmake javascript libraries supporting Latin/Chinese/Japanese characters. The problem with jsPDF is that it hasn't got UTF-8 support and it's ...
Guillermo's user avatar
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Export html to PDF with JavaScript

I want to export HTML to PDF with JavaScript, I saw libraries like jsPDF and pdfMake, but they are very limited. For example, with none of them I can export HTML elements, like <hr>, with jsPDF ...
István's user avatar
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