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Alternative PowerShell Solution To Running MDX on a Power Bi Semantic Model Hosted In A Fabric Workspace

So we want to do this, but it's not supported. So we must pursue a alternative solution. Optimally this would something that could be run from SQL Server directly with minimal external code possible. ...
David Rogers's user avatar
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How to enable TCP protocol of SQL Server Express 2019 through C# code?

I have SQL Server Express 2019 installed in Windows 11 desktop. I want to enable SQL Server Express TCP protocol programmatically from Windows Application using C#. So, I have written following simple ...
anoop choudhary's user avatar
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How can I exclude a Login's default database setting in DACPAC Publish

I am writing a Powershell script to create a SQL Server dacpac file from our QA database and publish it to the local db. I am using SQLPackage.exe. When I publish, I am getting an error: Could not ...
USMC6072's user avatar
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Import multiple rows from CSV to SQL Server and create a new ID for each one

I'm trying to extract several "agent" rows from a .CSV file and send them to SQL Server, but the .CSV file Num Contrat.csv may be the same for several agents, whereas it must be unique in ...
GeffGeff's user avatar
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How to extract ETL (Jobs) from SQL Server Management Studio

I want to extract the code from my Jobs (ETL) from my SQL Server 2014, which are in SQL Server Agent -> Jobs. I currently have more than 400, is there a faster way than entering each one and saving ...
Bastián SN's user avatar
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Powershell script does not execute on SQL Server job

I get a zip file that includes a database backup from our customer that needs to be restored on our server on a regular basis. The restore is done on an staging server, the data is than processed ...
scarabeaus's user avatar
-1 votes
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SQL login using Azure Token failed

Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $ServerInstance -Database $ExeDatabase -AccessToken $AccessToken -query "CREATE USER [$Appowner] FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER" Invoke-Sqlcmd : Login failed for user '...
reddy_devops's user avatar
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Deploying A Single SSIS Package Using IsDeploymentWizard.exe In PowerShell for CI/CD

I have a powershell script using IsDeploymentWizard.exe to deploy a single SSIS package to SSISDB catalog. # SSIS Deploy Script # param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [String] $...
cenko's user avatar
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"Cannot index into a null array" : Data.SqlClient error with Powershell

I am creating a PowerShell script that bulk inserts a file from a directory into a SQL Server table. The script is as follows: $server = "MYSERVER" $database = "ERDS_LANDING" $...
Eseosa Omoregie's user avatar
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Running cmd or PowerShell script with OpenTelemetry Collector Contrib - config yaml to bring SQL Server version

I am trying to execute/run cmd or powershell script (ps1 file) with the OpenTelemetry Collector Contrib - config yaml file. Following powershell script brings the installed SQL Server version at ...
future's user avatar
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Unable to embed external SQL scripts into Azure bicep deployment scripts

We have a SQL script that gets published to Azure artifacts. Then a deployment script using bicep to deploy the sql script to the database. It picks up the file but throws the following error. New-...
albbla91's user avatar
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How can I use Terraform to run a script to initialise the database on a newly-created Azure mssql_virtual_machine?

I've created an Azure Windows virtual machine using the MicrosoftSQLServer/sql2022-ws2022 source image, and I've attached to it an E: drive containing pre-existing SQL Server databases. I have a ...
Mark NZ's user avatar
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Passing an array as a parameter from PowerShell to an SQL script

I'm creating a quite complex SQL script to delete from a database a bunch of records. Because I have to do a lot of operations, I want to save the IDs of the records I have to delete in a temporary ...
Enrico's user avatar
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SQL Server using Powershell - Error: the 'Invoke-SqlCmd' command was found in the module 'SQLPS', but the module could not be loaded

I'm encountering an error when trying to create a database and also to execute other queries in SQL Server using PowerShell's Invoke-SqlCmd command. Environment: Windows Version: 10.0.19045 ...
dede kyuti's user avatar
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PowerShell reading SQL - read multiple rows

I have successfully read a single returned value but can't quite get multiples. My query is something like select value from table where a in ('here', 'there'). In SQL Server, I see two rows ...
dmataz's user avatar
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