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Alternative PowerShell Solution To Running MDX on a Power Bi Semantic Model Hosted In A Fabric Workspace

So we want to do this, but it's not supported. So we must pursue a alternative solution. Optimally this would something that could be run from SQL Server directly with minimal external code possible. ...
David Rogers's user avatar
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Setting website link preview using react and mdx (each page of the website a separate image)

I have a website for example "", and the main layout.jsx has below metadata. export const metadata = { title: { template: '%s - example', default: 'example - ...
wwon's user avatar
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MDX Returning Null Values Even With Non Empty

Good afternoon. Have an MDX query still returning null values even though I have non empty in the MDX. This query does run and it does return values where I would expect to see them. Trying to get rid ...
Tom Johnson's user avatar
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Unable to extract UDA tagged to Account using MDX script in Essbase 21C

We are currently using Essbase 21C and trying to extract metadata using MDX script. Along with Metadata, we are also trying to extract UDA. In the Essbase, Account1 is tagged with only one UDA which ...
Ram Kashyap's user avatar
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Syntax error in mdx file when running docusaurus-mdx-checker

I run the check npx docusaurus-mdx-checker and got the error Error while compiling file ../docs/concepts/data_versioning.mdx (Line=157 Column=2) Details: Could not parse expression with acorn this ...
Milenko Markovic's user avatar
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Storyboard Docs "Copy Code" and "tags" integrations in custom docs pages

Storyboard Docs - "Copy Code" and "tags" integrations in custom doc pages Hey, I'm new to Storybook. I'm currently displaying an array of components into a custom Docs page UI, but ...
Michael Martell's user avatar
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Do OLAP Cube architecture include the unrequired tables to the queries?

I have an OLAP Cube created by relating about 40 tables(5 facts and 35 dimensions). The question im interested in is if I query (select count(*) from tableA) to the SQL Server, should the result ...
Alper Gökgöz's user avatar
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MDX: Incorrect value using EXISTING

I am trying to use EXISTING to get the sum of multiple members being selected. Below is what I have. The MDX is not returning a syntax error but the numerical result is way off from what I need. Any ...
Skizzy's user avatar
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How to Use Sent Props in Code Block Filename in Nextra 3.0 MDX?

I'm currently using Nextra version 3.0.0-alpha.28 for my documentation, and I'm trying to pass props to an MDX component. Specifically, I'm sending a prop like this: <CssVariablesReact filePath={&...
Chetan Khulage's user avatar
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SSAS CUBE Import Into Power BI Desktop

I'm new to SSAS Cube data and structures. I'm trying to import the fields I need for a dashboard into Power BI, but I can't shorten my date field in the original request. I tried filtering the data ...
Ryan Crary's user avatar
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import string into Astro MDX

I need to import a simple string into an astro starlight MDX file to show the latest version number. My code is basically --- title Version Test desc Show version --- import VERSION from "/src/...
David Bradshaw's user avatar
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how to render mdx in svelte

I'm building a blog using sveltekit + sqlite3, I want to store mdx content to database and render them dynamiclly My solution is: use mdsvex to compile .mdx to .svelte use svelte to compile .svelte ...
Joey's user avatar
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Combining Members from Different Levels in the Same Hierarchy in MDX Query

I'm trying to write an MDX query in SSAS to combine two members from different levels of the same dimension/hierarchy in my filter, but I'm running into issues as they return no data. When I write ...
Erik Sierra's user avatar
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Create Calculated Member Status %

I have a cube which is a small log of telephone zones, measure -> [Measures].[Calls Count] dimension -> [CallStatus].[Status2].[Status].&[Busy] [CallStatus].[Status2].[Status].&[Invalid]...
Elvira's user avatar
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Union between tabular model and SQL table with MDX in Analysis Service

I have this query extracted from a tabular model: SELECT NON EMPTY { [Measures].[Sales], [Measures].[Quantity Sold] } ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY { ([Invoice].[Number].[Number].ALLMEMBERS * ...
david mechin's user avatar

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