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Stripe Payment Button Not Triggering on Mobile

I’m working on a SvelteKit project with Supabase and Stripe. On my pricing page, I’ve got buttons for users to pay and upgrade their plans. Everything works great on desktop when I click the button, ...
Joshua Parker's user avatar
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Nice way to load data in-time with Svelte

In Svelte, we have a very nice and beautiful way to load some data in time and render it using @const: <script> let a = false; </script> <button on:click={() => a = !a}>&...
Drun555's user avatar
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Using GORM models in frontend of Wails app

I'm building a desktop app with Wails which writes to a local SQLite database. I have the following model in my Go backend: type FilmGroup struct { gorm.Model Films []FilmRoll ...
FlameDra's user avatar
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SvelteKit + Capacitor: Images and Audio Not Loading in iOS Simulator

I'm working on a SvelteKit project with Capacitor to build a mobile app. The app should display images and play audio files. Everything works fine in the browser, but when I run the app in the iOS ...
Taariq Elliott's user avatar
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Svelte:window component onload not triggering

In Svelte5, why is the onload event not triggering the function foo() in src/routers/+layout.svelte? <script> const foo = () => console.log('foo triggered') </script> <svelte:...
aknott's user avatar
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How can I programatically authenticate a user in Auth.js?

I have a Django application with authenticated (logged-in) users. UPDATE: using the built-in django authentication. I have another (Svelte) application using Auth.js ( for ...
thebjorn's user avatar
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Unit test when there is style on the component

I'm checking out Svelte 5 and I have this simple component <script lang="ts"> let { name }: { name: string; } = $props(); </script> <h1> ...
Hey's user avatar
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How to make sveltekit SPA app manage routes with golang backend when entering urls in browser

With having backend built in golang, frontend built in sveltekit as an SPA, how to make sveltekit frontend manage routes make in sveltekit, while having golang handle routes for api? For example: i ...
mspehar's user avatar
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How to use a global $derived in Svelte 5?

I'm trying to create a global state with Svelte 5 and runes: // store.svelte.ts export const person = ({ name: '', }); export const mrName = $derived('Mr. ' +; // <-- problem! I ...
rodrigocfd's user avatar
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How to data bind with pageData?

If I bind directly to data, like: type Props = { data: PageData; }; let { data }: Props = $props(); <input bind:value={} /> I get the following warning: [svelte] ...
tbdrz's user avatar
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How to use Dynamic Components in Svelte 5 with Runes?

I have the following code: <script lang="ts"> import type { SpaceAmenities } from "$src/spaces.d"; import { Computer, Plug, Printer, Box, Droplet, ...
Mahyar Mirrashed's user avatar
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Applying style variable with TailwindCSS in Svelte 5

I am having confusion while applying style variable with TailwindCSS in Svelte 5. This works: <script lang="ts"> interface Props { rows: number; columns: number; ...
crown3's user avatar
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Error when importing svelte.ts into a .svelte file

I'm working on an Svelte application and trying to setup a rune "state" storage in its own separate file so it can be reused, but when trying to import on a .svelte component, I get a ...
Gabriel Espinel's user avatar
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Svelte5/SvelteKit2 - $ vs let data: LayoutData = $props() in page.svelte?

It appears to me, that the data set by the return of an outer (for example the global) layout.server.ts file is accessible in two ways by it's children and nested components: // outer layout.server.ts ...
aknott's user avatar
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Dynamically access local data elsewhere on the server with sveltekit

On the server that my website runs off of, I have a JSON file located in /srv that updates every day with new data that I would like sveltekit to read every time the page is loaded. //import latestVid ...
Arden's user avatar
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