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Remote Partitioning in Spring Batch - Job completion for small number of records can't de done until Job completes for large number of records

I am trying Spring Batch with remote partitioning [ master-salve approach]. I have one master step which sends records to worker nodes via KAFKA. All was working fine until parallel job executions ...
Mahantesh Masali's user avatar
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spring kafka getting metrics to for messages published

i have set up the following config in my spring 3.3 (micrometer 1.12.5, kafka 3.2.4) application DefaultKafkaProducerFactory<String, Car> objectObjectDefaultKafkaProducerFactory = new ...
user1555190's user avatar
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Why doesn't KafkaItemReader support auto-rebalance? How to implement it?

I am working with Spring Batch and using KafkaItemReader to read data from Kafka topics. However, I noticed that KafkaItemReader requires explicitly providing the list of topic partitions during ...
Đại Tấn's user avatar
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Kafka Streams Window Size (15 mins) is greater than the max poll interval (5 min)

I have a Kstreams application where I am reading from an input topic, performing aggregation in a window of 15 min , suppressing and then performing some operation on each record, following is the ...
Ashutosh Singh's user avatar
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TraceId not printing in kafka-stream application

I have kafka stream application which is running in springboot-2.x, kafka-streams-2.5.1 and spring-cloud-sleuth (log tracing) and I’m using KafkaStreamsTracing for print traceId and spanId. Which is ...
sundararajan s's user avatar
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Correlate kafka request-response messages

Scenario: I have a kafka producer that produces some message to topic A. The message has a dedicated header called correlationID which I want to use to correlate the request message with the response. ...
Apollyon's user avatar
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Configure logginghandler (of spring integration) in spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka

I have a follow up question on this question is there a way to customise the LoggingHandler of Spring Integration module in spring cloud stream ? i.e. setting shouldLogFullMessage to false or ...
Vins's user avatar
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Maven dependency tree has older version than what is the transitive dependency pom of dependent library

I have a maven project which uses spring-kafka. If I run mvn dependency:tree I get: .... [INFO] +- org.springframework.kafka:spring-kafka:jar:3.3.0:compile [INFO] | +- org.springframework:spring-...
bitwalker's user avatar
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Kafka reactor response

My team is developing a chat application that uses Kafka Reactor for the transamition of data between the clients. One of our problems is the return of feedback to the users. By calling an API like ex....
iris's user avatar
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How to fix: Could not find a 'KafkaClient' entry in the JAAS configuration?

This is the exception I got when I try to send message in my topic on confluent cloud Caused by: org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException: Failed to create new NetworkClient at org.apache.kafka....
Khazim NDIAYE's user avatar
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Kafka producers fail to send after kafka brokers are brought down then up

The Kafka producers in my application fail to write messages to Kafka after Kafka brokers are brought down then up. Instead, this keeps getting printed: org.springframework.kafka.core....
IceTea's user avatar
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Could i connect to Kafka Cluster through domain?

Have a nice day, guys. Recently, I've been studying Apache Kafka using the "Kafka: The Definitive Guide" book. While setting up and experimenting with Kafka, I realized it was putting a ...
David's user avatar
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How to use ContainerTestUtils.waitForAssignment when this method is called multiple times for the same container?

I'm trying to write reliable tests of Kafka listeners. It's worth to mention I use external kafka container rather than @EmbeddedKafka. The biggest problem I'm struggling with is how to ensure Kafka ...
BartekN's user avatar
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kafka-client 2.7.0 use SASL connet kafka2.2, first time send message throw TimeoutException Topic *** not present in metadata after 1000 ms

kafka-client version 2.7.0 kafka version 2.2 producer config Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<>(); props.put(ProducerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "server1:19000,server2:...
H Li's user avatar
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best way to use circuitbreaker in kafka listener

I have a spring boot application written in java which has a kafka listener: @KafkaListener( autoStartup = "false", topics = "topic name", ...'s user avatar

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