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Remote Partitioning in Spring Batch - Job completion for small number of records can't de done until Job completes for large number of records

I am trying Spring Batch with remote partitioning [ master-salve approach]. I have one master step which sends records to worker nodes via KAFKA. All was working fine until parallel job executions ...
Mahantesh Masali's user avatar
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Why doesn't KafkaItemReader support auto-rebalance? How to implement it?

I am working with Spring Batch and using KafkaItemReader to read data from Kafka topics. However, I noticed that KafkaItemReader requires explicitly providing the list of topic partitions during ...
Đại Tấn's user avatar
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Multi-Threading KafkaItemReader using SynchronizedItemStreamReader in Spring Batch

I'm comparing multiple options regarding to KafkaConsumer in SpringBatch. With the example from spring batch project, I wrote simple code which runs KafkaItemReader as it is intended to use - single ...
Hyunjin Staats's user avatar
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Scaling Spring Batch remote partitioning with kafka

I need to scale spring batch job by remote partitioning with kafka. I want to run manager step on one VM and worker steps on different VMs. For that I have some questions - If my manager VM instance ...
ashok's user avatar
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Save data to Cassandra from Kafka using Spring Batch with high throughput

I need to consume data from Kafka and store it in Cassandra DB using Spring Batch. Let's say that the data is an object with a String id Primary key and int status code. The volume of messages is in ...
PrathamBhatTech's user avatar
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Spring batch remote partitioning with kafka multitenant

I have implemented the spring batch remote partitioning with Kafka where 3 workers are running on separate JVMs , on the each worker before initialization of job repository I need to set the tenant. I ...
ashok's user avatar
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Massive performance downgrade in Spring Batch application after update the Spring Boot Dependencies version from 2.4.2 to 2.7.6

We have upgraded a Spring Batch application in which the Spring Boot Dependencies is upgrade from version 2.4.2 to 2.7.6. Unfortunately we noticed a performance downgrade in processing the same file ...
mtam7892's user avatar
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Spring Batch remote-partitioning worker-job not reading data from middleware

I wanted to checkout the remote partitioning setup in Spring Batch. I am using Spring Boot v2.7.2 & Kafka as middleware. I have used the ColumnRangePartitioner from the Spring Batch samples I am ...
AbNig's user avatar
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Spring Batch: KafkaItemReader reads from offset 0 if the JVM is not restarted

I'm trying to implement a Spring Batch job that is scheduled by a Spring scheduler. The current befavior is as follows: The job is launched by the scheduler using JarLauncher The job consumes the ...
Zied Yazidi's user avatar
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Asynchronous Kafka consumer in Spring Batch Application

In our Spring Batch application workers, item processors are further interacting with another service asynchronously through Kafka. The requirement here is we required an acknowledgement in order to ...
Ritik Dua's user avatar
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org.springframework.messaging.MessageDeliveryException: Dispatcher has no subscribers for channel- occures before subscriber bean is created

I am trying to implement ReplyingKafkaTemplate with spring batch integration. It is actually running eagerly and throwing the "Dispatcher has no subscribers for channel" error before the ...
Santrupta Dash's user avatar
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Spring batch integration using OutBoundGateway and ReplyingKafkaTemplate

My Goal I need to read a file and divide each line as a message and send to kafka from a spring batch project and another spring integration project will be receiving the messages to process it in a ...
Santrupta Dash's user avatar
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Intercept Kafka rollback in a Spring Batch

In a Spring Batch I developed an ItemWriter that use a StreamBridge to write to Kafka with a transactional producer. With a CompositeItemWriter, the step use also a MongoItemWriter, so the output is ...
Gianni's user avatar
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Controlling Kafka-Offsets using KafkaItemReader and writing to a Database

I'm using the following libraries: spring-boot 2.5.8 spring-kafka 2.7.9 spring-batch-infrastructure 4.3.4 (including KafkaItemReader and JdbcBatchItemWriter) I defined a job that reads items from a ...
Tomek's user avatar
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Get message headers in batch mode

In a spring-cloud-stream Kafka application, when consuming messages in regular mode I get the Message with its payload and custom headers properly. yet, when I set the consumer "headerMode" ...
Yosi Bronsberg's user avatar

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