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44 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Is it permitted to pass NULL as the handle to SetStdHandle to disable stdout?

I have a problem similar to the one here where I have a P/Invoked third party DLL that writes to stdout and I'd like to prevent that. In my case instead of redirecting it to a log file I'd like to ...
Redwood's user avatar
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Redirect process input and use shell execute

Is it possible to redirect just stdin but also allow stdout to be written to the console? I have a process which starts child processes and needs to read the output of those processes, but also ...
kschieck's user avatar
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How to chain stdout to stdin for multiple child processes in .NET/C#?

I have a existing shell-like command line utility written in C# (Console) that I'm trying to add piping/redirection support to, so that a command like: MyShellPrompt> SomeCustomCommand | a.exe | b....
Wil S's user avatar
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Continuously reading output (StdOut) from Process in C#, accessing multiple times

I'm running a process in C# that I want to run for basically the lifespan of my program. I am essentially trying to just create an interface where I can continuously send new inputs to the process and ...
OGSuperSand's user avatar
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How to both let script window display its output and capture its StdOut at the end?

When I redirect stdout, the new script's process window does not show all the printing (obviously, as it's redirected...). Is there a way to both show the printings in the script window (be it ...
Tar's user avatar
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C# Do I need to read stdout on separate thread?

In C#, I am trying to run a command line program that gets input from stdin and then it returns the output to stdout . I need to keep cmd.exe running (using /k) and in a for loop, send in text and ...
dmkoher's user avatar
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capture STDOut from already running process in c#

Lets say I have some kind of console app currently running, not started by my app. (Could be a cmd.exe or some sort of console app) How do I get my app to read all the text (stdout/stderr) in inside ...
Rurido's user avatar
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Why is Process.StandardOutput different from the actual output and/or incomplete?

Well, first of all, when executing PsExec commands from C#, part of the output is in the StandardOutput and another part is in the StandardError for some reason, as mentioned in other posts, but that'...
41686d6564's user avatar
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C# Google Or Tools redirect LinearSolver output to string

I have imlemented several models with Google Or Tools LinearSolver. In the backend it's SCIP, that I'm using If I'm running my application as a Console App, the output goes directly to the console. ...
Isitar's user avatar
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How to tap on other process' `stderr` and `stdout`?

This question is different from the one proposed as a duplicate: My question is very specific to .net-core. I.e. even if there is a solution for "classic" .NET Framework it may not be applicable in ...
Igor Soloydenko's user avatar
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Capture Live stdout of Weird Processes (e.g.: 7za.exe, PsExec.exe)

I've managed to capture the live stdout (and stderr) of many command line tools in a few programming languages, but there are a few tools that I can't get to work. The tools are: 7za.exe (part of 7-...
Robert Fey's user avatar
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c# CreateProcess() how to redirect the process stdout and stderr and get it in real time?

In my C# application, I need to start a child process in suspend (to register its ProcessID to some profilers) and then run it. achieving this was possible by using the native CreateProcess() Api. my ...
user3228001's user avatar
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Redirect/capture stdout without the program knowing it

I am using a third-party command line tool which writes its output to the console, but, unfortunately, does not write when it detects stdout is redirected. I need to write a c# application that ...
kcnygaard's user avatar
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Get STDOUT and STDERR messages from referenced C++ wrapper in .NET Framework

I am using a .NET reference, which is a wrapper around a C++ unmanaged object in a .NET Framework project. Everything works fine, but I noticed when I am debugging in Visual Studio, in the Output ...
Michael Bedford's user avatar
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Problem with interacting with child process

I'm building a GUI wrapper for terraria or tModLoader dedicated server. Firstly, I was building discord bot for manage my terraria server with python. Then I'm struck with a problem that makes me to ...
polylogical's user avatar

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