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Use same shared memory unit from Lua and PHP [closed]

The closest I get in researching is stdin, stdout. But I don't see how I can get it across two processes. I guess if I am running commands sequencially in the same terminal session, it could be done, ...
user28793105's user avatar
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I meet a bug about std::views::adjacent_transform,so i want figure it out [closed]

int main() { vector<int> nums{-15,19}; auto d = nums |std::views::chunk_by(std::ranges::less{}) |std::views::transform(std::ranges::...
Yan's user avatar
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Can I have more streams than just stdout, stdin and stderr?

I have a process which will run a subprocess. Both will talk to a device through a serial port. The subprocess will be executing the custom code of a programmer using my library. Sometimes the ...
Radar32's user avatar
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AutoIt StdoutRead does not capture python logging module to stdout

I am trying to get the full stdout output of my python script execution available in my AutoIt calling script, I just noticed that the standard logging call is not captured by StdoutRead function in ...
mhanuel's user avatar
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How can I print Unicode characters in Java?

I have a class named "Card" that stores a character and an integer. I am passing a unicode character of a card (the Unicode vals are taken from this Wikipedia page:
Ant753's user avatar
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How to capture the output string of a UTF-8 program using PowerShell?

The program inv.exe returns some console data based on parameters. It seems like a JSON/dictionary, but it's in text format (printed output). It works when I simply call it without trying to capture ...
LegsNotHand's user avatar
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WScript.Shell.Exec - Check if subprocess.stdout has data before synchronously reading

Context I am using the following code to read stdout of a process launched with Wscript.Shell.Exec Sub Main() Dim lspProcess As IWshExec = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Exec("deno ...
Greedo's user avatar
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How to run doc-tests without printing output

I want to run doc-tests and get the number of failures, but not print any output. For example, I tried this: with open(os.devnull, 'w') as sys.stdout: tests_failed, tests_run = doctest....
emonigma's user avatar
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The writer should write to stderr

public static class Utils { /// <summary> /// Creates a Writer object that writes either to a file or to a console stream. /// </summary> /// <param name="outFname&...
user366312's user avatar
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Intercept C++ module "stdout" from Node.js

I'm currently using the Noble Node.js module for Bluetooth (BLE) connections. The Noble module will occasionally print errors directly to the console via C++'s printf function. Noble has no Node.js ...
simplexshotz's user avatar
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How is the logging module still outputting even when stdout and stderr are set to None?

This is a simple proof-of-concept script import logging import sys logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)'This is a test for info') logging.error('This is a test for error') print('...
LuckyCoder3607's user avatar
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Redirect linux process stdout to multiple incoming tcp connections

I have a worker process than produces its output onto the stdout pipe. I would now want to have a service that echoes the stdout of this process to multiple incoming tcp peer connections. In other ...
Olli 's user avatar
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How to read stdout from subprocess safely in Python

Two choice quotes from the documentation: On Popen.stdout: Warning Use communicate() rather than .stdin.write, or to avoid deadlocks due to any of the other OS pipe buffers ...
sh1's user avatar
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pam_script doesn't send stdout to the user during execution only when script completes

pam_script doesn't send output to the user when executing a script, only when the script completes. The example below simulates instructions to users and some api calls to complete the process. There ...
Marinus's user avatar
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G1 GC logs to file, but some logs still go to stdout

I use the G1 GC settings: -XX+UseG1GC -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -verbosegc -Xlog:gc*=debug,heap*=debug,safepoint=debug:file=gc.log:tags,time,uptime,level:filecount=0 I get output in my gc.log, but I ...
Jay Turner's user avatar

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