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The writer should write to stderr

public static class Utils { /// <summary> /// Creates a Writer object that writes either to a file or to a console stream. /// </summary> /// <param name="outFname&...
user366312's user avatar
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Windows API in Rust - How to redirect one console output to another

So I was trying to port a code from C# to Rust that can run a Windows command as another user. I got it working fine, but the problem is I want to redirect the output to current console instead of ...
CSDD's user avatar
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How to access the console screen buffer in c#

I've been trying to find a way to access and edit the c# console screen buffer for a terminal based text editor, and I would rather not have to "redraw" the screen every time I need to ...
Bernard Putnam Sproul's user avatar
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c# - Throwing Exceptions on Process and StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()

I'm currently in the process of creating a console application that acts as a Video Management Hub. I'm having issues with passing arguments into command line through process. Every time it returns ...
TreyLD's user avatar
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Read standard output from tcpdump using c#

I have read several question on how to read the standard output from a process such as these ones: and all of ...
Tono Nam's user avatar
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~ no response on stdout ~ C# Error while submitting code in HackerRank

I am practicing C# code on HackerRank online website, when I want to submit my code then it gives an error: Below is my code: for(int i=0;i<input.Count-1;i++){ string evenData="",...
Mirxa Xayn's user avatar
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C# write bytes to stdout adds random bytes to the output

I have the following code in a .NET 6 project: using var stdout = Console.OpenStandardOutput(); stdout.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes((uint) 8)); stdout.Flush(); I am running from PowerShell like this ./...
George D's user avatar
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.Net RedirectStandardOutput and RedirectStandardInput are overlapping

I am writing a prototype application that will require redirecting the stdin and stdout streams of a command-line application to a different application, and it kind of works. However, there is some ...
KaiZane's user avatar
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Get STDOUT and STDERR messages from referenced C++ wrapper in .NET Framework

I am using a .NET reference, which is a wrapper around a C++ unmanaged object in a .NET Framework project. Everything works fine, but I noticed when I am debugging in Visual Studio, in the Output ...
Michael Bedford's user avatar
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Continuously reading output (StdOut) from Process in C#, accessing multiple times

I'm running a process in C# that I want to run for basically the lifespan of my program. I am essentially trying to just create an interface where I can continuously send new inputs to the process and ...
OGSuperSand's user avatar
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Factorial of a number using Command Line Arguments in C#

I am practising on an online compiler. I have to write the factorial program that, given a number n from STDIN, it prints out the factorial of n to STDOUT: I have written this using System; using ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Problem with interacting with child process

I'm building a GUI wrapper for terraria or tModLoader dedicated server. Firstly, I was building discord bot for manage my terraria server with python. Then I'm struck with a problem that makes me to ...
polylogical's user avatar
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Read output from console dialog box

I want to get output text from the external process that runs the application and this application displays something that looks like a console dialog box like in the screenshot below: I tried to get ...
XardasLord's user avatar
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c# copy (not just redirect) stdout of a process not working using joined thread

I am trying to capture the stdout of a process started in my code but still put the output to the console app that it is running. My project is a .net core Windows application. I attach a procedure ...
runfastman's user avatar
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Unable to pipe infinite output of console app using PowerShell

During development of a console app I noticed that I'm unable to pipe its output into itself in PowerShell. I created a small repro (source below) that works like this: PS> .\but-why.exe print # ...
Good Night Nerd Pride's user avatar

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