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AioRTC one-way video call error in python

when i try to run this code: import asyncio import cv2 from aiortc import RTCPeerConnection, RTCSessionDescription, VideoStreamTrack from aiohttp import web from pyngrok import ngrok ...
Andrei Arseni's user avatar
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WebRTC connection does not happen after ICE exchange

This is an issue that has been bugging me for a whole week..... I am trying to establish a webRTC connection with a python server using aiortc/ web client. Both client and server is connected within a ...
assort's user avatar
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Real-time Audio Streaming Issue in WebRTC using Python aiortc

I am trying to implement real-time audio streaming between clients using WebRTC with Python's aiortc. For capturing and sending audio, I am using a custom class called MicrophoneAudioTrack. Here’s a ...
user27885712's user avatar
2 votes
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webRTC video streaming - Chrome chooses wrong candidates with ubuntu 20

I am streaming video over webRTC in AWS environments, all ports are open, no firewall. Server 1: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS Server 2: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS With Server 1 after at most 2-3 retries, webRTC chooses ...
jony89's user avatar
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Connect a server peer (dynamic ip address) with browser peers javascript

I want to make live ip video calls between a python pyqt5 user and a browser (html5). The javascript code i use for client is: var port = 8080 var ip_address = "" var main_pc = { ...
Chris P's user avatar
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SDP Answer Received but Screen Sharing Not Consistent in Desktop App

I'm working on a desktop app using Python and aiortc. The idea behind creating this app is to enable screen sharing of a specific portion of the screen. I have successfully connected to the WebSocket ...
amir BEN AHMED's user avatar
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Cannot control go2 when use webrtc method

I extracted the WebRTC part from go2_ros2_sdk for controlling Go2 (without ROS) but encountered the following issues: import base64 import hashlib import json import logging import ...
Jimmy Hanns's user avatar
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Very Slow ICE candidates gathering on webrtc

I am using cloudflare TURN servers. I saw a weird behaviour that if I reset website's permission, the ICE candidates gathering is pretty fast and without it, it can take upto 40 seconds. I've tried, ...
Anandesh Sharma's user avatar
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Slow ICE candidates gathering

I am using cloudflare TURN servers. I saw a weird behaviour that if I reset website's permission, the ICE candidates gathering is pretty fast and without it, it can take upto 40 seconds. I've tried, ...
Anandesh Sharma's user avatar
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why I failed to establish ICE connection when server and client run both locally?

Problem I tried to create a WebRTC demo which accepts video and audio stream from client and streams video back to client. After gathering ICE candidate, it failed to establish ICE connection. And ICE ...
Jerry Chou's user avatar
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(WebRTC) Heygen's Avatar Application : Ice Connection Status stays in "checking"

I am building an application implying an LLM and Heygen's API. I want to send the response given by the LLM to a streaming avatar. I used the documentation provided here:
Eliott Eccidio's user avatar
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Video call using webRTC (aiortc), Socket.IO, Flask

I want to create a simple video calling webpage using webRTC or Socket.IO with Flask. This is some of my flask code: @app.route('/video_feed') def video_feed(): return Response(gen_frames(), ...
C Fela's user avatar
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WebRTC offer/answer handshake with Python does not work

The API I am using requires webRTC for live video streaming (see, however the example in their documentation do not work. I am failing to start ...
Kilian Kramer's user avatar
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aiortc: Combining multiple mp3 files to be returned as a single MediaStreamTrack

I will be using LLM (like GPT) to generate an answer - which would then be converted to speech, which I want to send over to the browser using aiortc. However, since LLM take time to produce complete ...
Ouroboros's user avatar
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aiortc: Recording video on server discards beyond a few seconds

I made changes to the server example to save video on server. I am trying to record the received video track on server - but somehow that seems to be working only for a few seconds, after which it won'...
Ouroboros's user avatar
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