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Issues handling Image Url for blob files on Firebase

I am having issues on handling blob files as imageurl in the notification payload for firebase. The file that got uploaded on azure storage had spaces and special characters which got saved as below &...
Aman kumar's user avatar
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APNS Error when Sending Live Activity Notification in Node.js

I'm working on a Node.js application that sends live activity notifications using the apns2 library. However, I'm encountering an error when trying to send a notification. Below is the relevant code ...
Ragul PR's user avatar
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Getting DeviceNotRegistered in expo notifications in IOS devices

Im developing an app using React Native and Expo, the app is not bareworkflow. My App should be able to send push notifications for IOS and ANDROID, but for some reason the notications only works for ...
Leonardo Messias's user avatar
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Will Azure Notification Hubs support the upcoming APNs Certification Authority change in 2025?

Apple has announced a change in the Certification Authority (CA) for APNs. Starting January 20, 2025 (sandbox) and February 24, 2025 (production), Apple will use the USERTrust RSA Certification ...
yannisalexiou's user avatar
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Apple Push Notification service server certificate update 2025

Certification Authority (CA) for Apple Push Notification service (APNs) is changing. We are using firebase for push notification. As far I know we dont have to update server certificate and Seems like ...
Liza Routray's user avatar
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Action Required: Apple Push Notification Service Server Certificate Update

How to Update Trust Store for APNs with USERTrust RSA Certification Authority Certificate? Apple is updating the APNs server certificates. The sandbox environment will switch on January 20, 2025, and ...
Vikram Kumar's user avatar
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How to change sound of push notifications of an iOS app programmatically?

I working on an iOS app for which I am required to change sound for push notifications. I am using Firebase Console to send notifications. I put notification sound file in project and send its name in ...
Abdullah Shahid's user avatar
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UNNotificationSound does not work. what is the problem?

import UIKit import awesome_notifications import shared_preferences_ios import UserNotifications @UIApplicationMain class AppDelegate: FlutterAppDelegate { var alertController: UIAlertController? ...
Thomas lee's user avatar
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iOS: Rich push notification: .apns payload + simulator + (Notification Content Extension / Notification Service Extension never called

I wanted to try rich push notificatios. I made a test app. I wanted to test it through the simulator (saw that it is possible, also found a video where it works through Notification Content Extension -...
Kviki's user avatar
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How save data in UserDefaults when the user press UNNotificationAction and the app is closed?

If the app is opened or in the background, userNotificationCenter get triggered and the data get saved just fine, but if the app is closed, when the notification comes, and I press one of the action ...
lawayben's user avatar
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Not Receiving Background Push Notification When Not Connected to Xcode

When I'm running my app in xcode, I can receive both background and alert notification regardless if the app is in the foreground or background. When I disconnect the app from xcode and push the app ...
Paul's user avatar
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Silent push notifications not working on some iOS devices

I send APNs notifications to my devices with the CloudKit dashboard. I test with two devices; Device with Silent Push Working Successfully: iOS version 16.5.1 (c), Model iPhone Xs Silent Push Failed ...
Ozgur Baykal's user avatar
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Clarification on Apple Push Notification Service Server Certificate Update

According to Apple, all developers using APNs must update their application's Trust Store to include the new server certificate: SHA-2 Root: USERTrust RSA Certification Authority. Our app uses ...
Jongers's user avatar
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Only last notification retrieved after phone turned back on - Expo notifications

I'm using expo notifications and expo-server-sdk-node to send notifications to my app. If the phone is offline, on turning it back on, only the last notification is displayed. What is strange is that ...
Jul's user avatar
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How to add custom header when calling to APNS when using AWS SNS?

I want to send time-sensitive notification to iOS, using AWS SNS. Per Apple's doc, I need to add apns-priority and apns-expiration to the request header. The problem is I am using AWS SNS and I haven'...'s user avatar
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