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How do I get my ASP.NET Core minimal API to return a 401 if the user is not authenticated instead of redirecting to the log-in page

I have an ASP.NET Core Blazor web app, which uses Identity for authentication. The server project's Program.cs contains the following (rather trivial) endpoint... app.MapGet("/testapi-time", ...
Avrohom Yisroel's user avatar
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SSO in Blazor 8 - no entry in AspNetUserLogins is written

I have a Blazor web app on .NET 8 with Identity Framework. I want to use SSO with Microsoft and therefore I configured: builder.Services.AddAuthentication() .AddMicrosoftAccount(microsoftOptions =&...
Christian Hansen's user avatar
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.NET8 Blazor web app - All Identity pages redirect to 404 after short pause

I have a .NET8 Blazor web app, which I created without including Identity (long story why, not relevant now). I spent many hours getting the design right, and then realised that I needed Identify ...
DreamingOfSleep's user avatar
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Caching User Single Sign On using Distributed Cache

I'm currently implementing a blazor server application with Azure B2C single sign on enabled. The sign on functionality works perfectly, except that the users state is lost when the application is ...
Christopher Dunderdale's user avatar
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Editing custom ASP.NET IdentityUser properties in Blazor

I am trying to make a Blazor form to update properties / settings for AppUser which inherits from the default ASP.NET IdentityUser in my Blazor webapp. For this, I am trying to modify the default ...
Sohaib Afzal's user avatar
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Signal R not catching Identity IDs in blazor server

I am trying to implement a chat feature in a blazor solution (.NET 8), the chat is very simple, every user must be able to message every user in a application similar to whatsapp web, this is the Hub ...
Igorus15's user avatar
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OAuth State Missing or Invalid Error with Google Authentication in ASP.NET Core and Blazor App

I am integrating Google Authentication into my ASP.NET Core and Blazor application to enable users to sign in using their Google accounts. I followed the Google Sign-In documentation and implemented ...
Jelles's user avatar
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Bearer token not working with [Authorize] as @attribute

I cannot figure how to use @attribute [Authorize] in razor component with Bearer token authentication. When I decorate API controller with [Authorize] and attach bearer token to header, its working ...
Marek Havrila's user avatar
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Cookie auth (identity) for MAUI Blazor (BlazorWebView)?

I cannot find answer to simple question. They say for not browser devices use token based auth. What about MAUI Blazor with BlazorWebView? Can cookie auth be used for login and persist cookie or only ...
Marek Havrila's user avatar
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Combine auth cookies and bearer token at the same time

I am trying to implement auth so my backend can serve to WASM client (hosted) and later for MAUI Blazor. I am using identity with local database and want to use cookies for WASM and bearer token for ...
Marek Havrila's user avatar
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Unable to get an access token from a blazor web app

I am creating a blazor web app is using microsoft examples for authentication. Authentication works great, both with a username/password and with 3rd party (google) auth. I also have a maui native app ...
Ryan Langton's user avatar
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Use Cookie Authentication for Microsoft Authentication in ASP.NET CORE Identity

I want to use Individual Logins and Microsoft Auth on my Blazor WebApp. Now, for debugging purposes, I don't want to sign in every time to the app. So I thought I can solve it with cookies. The cookie ...
Michael's user avatar
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How to implement a custom identity provider based on LiteDb.Identity for a Blazor app?

I am trying to implement a LiteDb Identity provider. I have a template blazor app and I want to implement a custom Identity with LiteDB using I managed to ...
Jurica's user avatar
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Blazor Server EditForm requires either a Model parameter, or an EditContext parameter, please provide one of these

I'm receiving this error: "EditForm requires either a Model parameter, or an EditContext parameter, please provide one of these." But I'm providing an (initialized) Model parameter to the ...
Victor's user avatar
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How can UserName’s ProtectedPersonalData attribute be overridden in ASP.NET Core Identity?

I’m using ASP.NET Core Identity in a Blazor project. I’d like to encrypt the user’s personal data, however, I don’t want to encrypt the UserName. My plan is to use the UserName as an account id rather ...
Rick P.'s user avatar

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