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How do I use Bootstrap 5.3.3 css and have the buttons back to their original colours with glyphicons?

I have been using Dropzone.js for a few years and have an app that has been working well. There are three buttons that are used. <span class="btn btn-success fileinput-button"> <...
user3538252's user avatar
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DropZone - Replace / in dropped filename

Uploads with a slash in the filename are problematic in a number of ways. I need to change the / to a space, or eliminate it altogether. This would be the most obvious, and it works for any other ...
JAC's user avatar
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How to uploading images with Dropzone on the nodejs nuxt 3

I am making a project in frontend (nuxt 3) and backend (nodejs), my codes are as follows. I can't understand why no uplaoding image path on database. This is backend side This is upload utils file ...
Aghabala Guluzade's user avatar
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Issue with Reinitializing Cropper After Adding Image with Dropzone

Dropzone.autoDiscover = false; var cropper; $(document).ready(function() { $('#cropperModal').on('', function() { console.log(''); //var $image = $(...
Stephanie Fischer's user avatar
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Cropper.js not displaying crop box after adding image with Dropzone.js

jsFiddle: The problem: I’m having trouble getting Cropper.js to display the crop box on an image after adding it with Dropzone.js. The image uploads successfully, but ...
Stephanie Fischer's user avatar
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Dropzone.js - When I drag a folder only the folder is received as a File

When I browse and select a folder it gets me all the files recursively (that's awesome). I'm using webkitdirectory="true" attribute for the hidden input. But when I'm dragging and dropping a ...
user3071790's user avatar
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How can i concatenate (dropzone.js) front chunk file with laravel controller

@section('css') <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> @endsection @section('content') <h1>File ...
Santosh Subedi's user avatar
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In firefox dropzone errors with "image corrupt or truncated"

Can someone please tell me why the following code would work in Chrome but not Firefox? I believe I've implemented a fairly typical setup of Dropzone but am getting the error "Image corrupt or ...
Antony's user avatar
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How to pass Array with Dropzone Form Data

I am using DropZone and trying to pass Array with the formData.append() for on("sending") method. I couldnt find any example where we are passing additional data of List objects(except ...
Jordan's user avatar
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svelteKit with dropzone

I'm setting dropzone with svelteKit and I'm getting some issues with the preview image, thiis my code: <script> import { onMount } from 'svelte'; import Dropzone from 'dropzone'; import { ...
alex 's user avatar
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drag and drop image it should display dynamically without refreshing page using ajax.but its not working for me

I need when i drag and drop the images its should display below form dynamically without refreshing the page and also front end and backend validation view <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en&...
ABINAYA V's user avatar
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add view button to existing files in dropzone js

I want to add a view button to preview existing files( mockfile ) . For example, when I want to modify a form, the files are displayed in the dropzone, so I want to preview them. this is my code: var ...
Ait younes Randa's user avatar
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ASP.Net MVC - no file content uploaded

There is a simple functionality: HTML page with dropzone.js (or jQuery Upload plugin, I tried several ways). MVC controller method: [HttpPost] public ActionResult SaveDoc(string docName, ...
user3603578's user avatar
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Dynamically handle Dropzone maxFiles in edit Mode

I am using dropzone with laravel blade. In edit mode i want to compare with existing photo count with maxFiles value. Also, check the maxFiles condition dynamically when user upload new images or ...
Md. Shamvil Hossain's user avatar
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Dynamically adding dropzone.js to a form

I'm trying to add a Dropzone to a page dynamically but I either get an "Uncaught Error: Invalid dropzone element. at new $3ed2...." or "Uncaught ReferenceError: Dropzone is not defined&...
pavtrnord's user avatar

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