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Error: TypeError: null: type 'minified:BR' is not a subtype of type 'List<dynamic>'

I am keep on getting this error code Error: TypeError: null: type 'minified:BR' is not a subtype of type 'List' when I try to upload my json in the firebase to my website in flutter. Here is the code ...
Dylan Wain's user avatar
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Replacing the firestore database with a json file on a personal server in dart flutter

I'm going to replace the firestore database with a json file on a personal server. Currently, information from Firebase is called with this piece of code static Stream<AnnouncementAggr> ...
Ali kh's user avatar
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Flutter withConverter fromJson/toJson syntax and methods for all Firestore types

I have spent an hour scouring the internet for how to use withConverter to marshall various Firestore v2 types into Flutter objects so that I can use them. It has been impossible to find how to do ...
cmjordan's user avatar
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How to upload multiple fields and document in firebase?

I'm trying to make a flutter application which contains a quiz model in it, including Firebase as database. I have a structure for the fields in my firebase which I'm currently following (JSON format ...
Prince Mishra's user avatar
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How do you parse through firebase response of this type?

So I have read about the other general JSON parsing, although I cannot find a solution for my specific issue. I am pulling the data from firebase using a stream, what is shown in the screenshot is ...
Pierre Louet's user avatar
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How to filter data in Realtime Database via Flutter

Is there any possible way to filter data in Realtime Database(on Firebase). I'd like to filter them via checkbox values that can be multiple checked. There will be 4 different elements to search in db:...
Beeednarek's user avatar
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Having problems in decoding from a JSON String in Firebase to a Map<String, Model> in Flutter/Dart

I have this UserData model class that has a Map<String, Model>, in which Model is another model class. When I do jsonEncode to Firebase's Firestore everything seems fine as it looks ok in the ...
Jaime Ferreira's user avatar
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What am I supposed to using this toJson function for?

I copied this code from somewhere online that said that it is good to use a model for your data interfacing. I've used the fromJson function a lot so far, but never the toJson function since anytime I ...
whatwhatwhat's user avatar
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Not able to download json file through url (Flutter/dart)

I'd like to download the JSON file which can be accessed by this url ...
Bruno Eigenmann's user avatar
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get specific value of Data from cloud firestore

I am getting my documents from cloud firestore with: QuerySnapshot querySnapshot = await FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection("section").get(); final allData = =...
Mindmax's user avatar
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Flutter: type 'List<dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'Map<String, dynamic>' in type cast

Im trying to make a list ti json for firestore, and have the following code: static Map<String, dynamic> toJson(Message? message) => { 'id': message?.id, 'senderId': message?...
Ruder Buster's user avatar
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Paggination on api data in flutter?

List connectProfile = []; connectProfile = response['data']['other_profile_verified']; GridView.builder( shrinkWrap: true, ...
Ritesh Patel's user avatar
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How do I convert this object so that I can use it in my chat model?

I want to loop through the data received from Firebase Realtime Database and for each piece of data, pass it through my ChatData model. However, when I try to pass in snapshot.value it says that The ...
whatwhatwhat's user avatar
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How to Store Http json data into variables and calculate with firestore data Flutter

How to take http json data and store in variables and in the same page read firestore data and calculate with reference to http json data and display Example: Json Data : a=1,b=2,c=3 Firestore Data : ...
venkatesh prasad's user avatar
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How do I turn AsyncSnapshot data into a Map?

I want to get some json data in my FutureBuilder but for some reason my code throws a _TypeError (type '_JsonQuerySnapshot' is not a subtype of type 'Map<dynamic, dynamic>') whenever I try to ...
AlpK's user avatar
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