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How To Create An Employee Schedule Form With AngularJS 1.5.11

Summary I'm having a hard time developing what I believe is a simple form using angularjs 1.5.11. It is supposed to be a multiple form single page UI which manages work schedules. The final result ...
Jonx1000's user avatar
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AngularJS 1.6.8: Form data not submitting and so hence unable to save it to localStorage

I have a contact form. On submission, it displays a success message and it should store that data to $localStorage. But, Form data not is not submitting as I do not see submitted form data in ...
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AngularJS 1.6.8: Unable to submit form and display success message

I have a simple query submission form with name, email and query fields and a component with a controller function having the submit function to submit the form. I am using ng-submit directive in the ...
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Dynamic form creation in Angular based on server's response

I am trying to create dynamic forms based on servers response. For example, I have 8 buttons, and each button when clicked should generate a different questionnaire with different input types. The ...
BleachedAxe's user avatar
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How do I get the value of a text field using AngularJS?

I want to get the value of a text field value using AngularJS when a form is submitted. The code below always shows "undefined". html: <form ng-submit="AdvanceSearchSubmit($event)" name="...
nayan chowdhury's user avatar
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My AngularJS validation does not work. I have added ng-required

My AngularJS validation does not work. I have added ng-required. Please let me know where I am missing <ng-form id="frmdisbursementScheduleMaintenance"> <div style="padding-...
user1030181's user avatar
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Unable to provide default textfield value in angularjs

I'm not able to pass a default to textfield in an angularjs array <input type="hidden" class="form-control" name="rname" ng-model="userInfo.rname" ng-init="userInfo.rname='{{ r.Name }}'"> The ...
Jaskaran Singh Puri's user avatar
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Clear an Angular form upon Submission

I'm trying to clear the form, but keep facing some issues. How can I clear the form on a submit? HTML <form id="contact" class="contact-form" ng-submit="sendMail()" novalidate ng-controller="...
planacte's user avatar
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ng-minlength Angular Form Validation

Angular seems to not be raising minLength or maxLength error in the below code... the required error (as well as the email error) is working however. I know ng-minlength and ng-maxlength is working ...
Shruggie's user avatar
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How to validate forms in Angular JS

i'm a newbie in angular JS. and i was trying the input type="text", i'm retrieving my name from my controller and i was using $dirty and $invalid to validate my data but it isn't showing when i make ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Angular form not working in a table

I created a working form placed in a div below a table; <div class="row"> <form class="form-signin" ng-submit=""> <h2 class="form-signin-heading">Add an ...
Morten Nilsen's user avatar
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Simple submit form using Angular

I'm new to Angular, but very old with google. I cannot find out how to submit this form using Angular, like how we do in jQuery. <form> <input type="text" /> <button type="...
Basit's user avatar
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AngularJS: Editing a form values not coming in scope

I am using a form to create an user in my application. I am also using the same form to update the user profile and I am loading the values from database. if user does not change anything in the edit ...
Suresh's user avatar
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Angular Pass String to Function

This seems like it should be easy to do, but I am not sure why this isn't working. All I want to do is pass this string to the function. I've tried this. <form ng-submit="edit(type)" ng-init="...
Haru's user avatar
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angular- bind form submit with multiple buttons

I have a form with multiple submit buttons: <form name="myForm" customSubmit> <input type="text" ng-minlength="2"> <button type="submit" ng-click="foo1()"></button> ...
Nir Smadar's user avatar

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