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JNI Issue: Passing Java Runnable Object to JNI in Custom Gluon Attach Plugin

I am developing a custom Gluon Attach plugin and encountering issues with passing a Java Runnable object from Java to JNI. Despite reviewing the Gluon Attach plugin source code (which unfortunately ...
CTO - Abid Maqbool's user avatar
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Glassmorphism effect with JavaFX

I'm trying to make the UI of my Java Desktop Application with javaFX (on Windows). I want my UI has a Glassmorphism effect, like a Frosty Translucent Crystal for the background. Something like the ...
Adolfo Alejandro Arenas Ramos's user avatar
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Where should this to be defined? [Gluon Attach] System Property javafx.platform is not defined

INFO: [Gluon Attach] System Property javafx.platform is not defined Where should this to be defined? graalvmjdk21 javafx-21.0.4-javadoc javafx-jmods-21.0.4 javafx-scenebuilder 22.0.0 javafx-sdk-21.0.4 ...
Bob Paris's user avatar
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How do I use android native classes with the GluonFX mobile plugin?

I'm new to gluonfx. I followed the docs and created a new project by using maven. I was able to compile everything successfully. Now I would like to use some classes from the android sdk (I would like ...
Paul Kocian's user avatar
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JavaFX WebEngine: Can not set user-agent header

I am trying to add new headers in requests/responses of webpages that are displayed in WebView. After research, I found that the easy way to add headers is to set the user-agent header. My problem ...
SamFX's user avatar
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GluonFX JavaFX Substrate run dynamically loaded classes

A JavaFX application that loads jar(s) at runtime and the classes within the jar must run within the application. These dynamically loaded classes implement an interface. Using Gluon with graalVM, is ...
tretonis's user avatar
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GluonFX gradlew nativeRun classNotFoundException

I have a simple JavaFx Application with a Launcher and using the gralde GluonFX plugin I created a native executable. However when running the executable (with gradlew nativeRun) I get a ClassNotFound ...
Stefan Rainer's user avatar
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How to implement Attach service that contain a 3rd-party library gor iOS

for now, Gluon-attach service for Push notification is using Firebase library for handling the push notification on Android, and this handling is done natively on iOS. I want to add Firebase library ...
SamFX's user avatar
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Trouble linking a JavaFX app with GluonFX

I've just tried to create a native app from one of our bigger apps again. While the process itself worked so far (runagent generated the necessary JSON files, the compile was successful) an error ...
dzim's user avatar
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gluon attach audio doesn't play any sound on android

i'm trying to play a short sound clip when a usr click on a javafx canvas, i have followed the attach audio documentation provided by gluon yet no sound is being played when i install the app on ...
Michael Mesfin's user avatar
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Gluon build problem - specifies unknown module

My project was building fine then I wanted to bring dockable window and did and used it in I could not find what made ...
ozkanpakdil's user avatar
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Gluon Mobile (JavaFX): Failed Controller ClassNotFoundException

I'm trying to create a Gluon example based on this repository, the problem I'm having is that it works perfectly in IntelliJ, but when I want to export it to ...
Victor Alejandro Nazar Fuentea's user avatar
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GluonFX on android: Push notification are not working when the app is closed

I integrated the push notification service from "attach" according to the documentation. and the push notification sending is handled via Firebase and Spring-boot for sending the ...
SamFX's user avatar
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GluonFX Gradle plugin NativeRunAgentTask sets an invalid path for the java executable

I'm trying to create a native image of my JavaFX application via the GluonFX Gradle plugin. When I try to run the nativeRunAgent task, I get this failure message: RunAgent failure: org.gradle.api....
Brian B's user avatar
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Gluonfx windows native image throws exception

I'm running my java application with graalvm windows native mode. Here is the error that i get all the times. I can run this code with openjdk and is working fine. The only issue that i face is when i'...
Zeb-ur-Rehman's user avatar

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