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Angular Interceptor - retrieve Graphql query or mutation name

Good morning everyone, I would need your help to retrieve the query or mutation name within the interceptor which is working fine. import { HttpContextToken, HttpInterceptorFn } from '@angular/common/...
DanyBoy's user avatar
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Springboot + - Not picking up the GraphQL schemas from the file system

On springboot: 3.4.0 Using this as a dependency: <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>graphql-dgs-spring-graphql-starter</...
user1189332's user avatar
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How to resolve .graphql files in Next.js using Turbopack?

I am migrating my Next.js 15 project to use Turbopack for development (next dev --turbo). My project imports .graphql files directly, and I'm encountering issues with resolving these files. For ...
Vasil Ignatov's user avatar
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How can I aggregate fields using a custom directive in Federated GraphQL at the gateway layer?

I have cross-cutting concern across my graph, where I need to aggregate fields at my gateway layer, versus at my subgraphs. I must tag fields of interest in all of my subgraphs with a custom directive ...
cdaringe's user avatar
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How to prevent public users from crawling all data from Hasura table [closed]

In Hasura, I have a public role in my users table which is used on my site to display some users in a leaderboard section. They can be accessed and seen by public since these info include scores, name,...
Exzia's user avatar
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Fetchmore doesn't get the next result with 'after' variable. Apollo Graphql

I'm pretty new to GraphQL and I enountered an issue. The issue is: I have a list of tags that are around 40. so when I try to fetch the data initially, it returns a 30 tags and an end cursor: const ...
Blues's user avatar
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How do I get the result where the latest record in one-to-many relationship matches a given condition in graphQL Hasura?

So, I'm new to GraphQL and I'm trying to fetch the profiles whose latest billing (created_at) has a next_at value matching the one I input. This is my attempt but it is incorrect since the filtering ...
Ushiro Yada's user avatar
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how to pull all data after a specific order?

I am looking for a way to build a graphQL query to pull order data after a specific order id. I am using REST today and achieve this by running database query to pull the last loaded order. I then ...
epipko's user avatar
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Enable GitHub merge queue using rulesets/Branch Protection rules/PyGithub

We have a requirement to enable merge queue for 100's of our repositories, I went through lot of information on internet and found out that support to enable merge queue is only available via GitHub ...
user3210597's user avatar
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Shopify GraphQL API add category taxonomy to product

I am trying to create a Shopify product with Shopify latest GraphQL API (version 2024-10). I cannot find a way to attach category taxonomy to it. For example, I would like to mark a book as sci-fi ...
Jan Zapał's user avatar
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Typing the Response of GraphQL queries with TypeScript

I am new to using GraphQl but I am quite accustomed to using other API mediums such as REST and gRPC. I am creating an E-commerce Shopify storefront with Next.js and Shopfy's API is all in GraphQL. ...
Prof.Chewbacca's user avatar
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How to Retrieve Number of Connects and Bids Using Upwork Market Place Job Posting GraphQL API

I am using new upwork graphql api to fetch job search data My current query looks like this with this api ( "query": "query marketplaceJobPostingsSearch($...
Bilal's user avatar
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Handling the WebSocketSession close event if initialization was not successful

I use spring-graphql 1.3.1 as part of spring-boot-starter-graphql. I want to create a GraphQL subscription to the server which does not belong to me (means I can not do anything on server side to ...
Alex's user avatar
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Why am I getting "POST body missing" error while uploading files in a GraphQL request with Supertest?

Problem Description: I am trying to test a file upload mutation in my GraphQL server using Supertest. server: Nestjs+GraphQL FYI: The API is working fine with appolo graphql client and postman. ...
Nishang Raiyani's user avatar
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How to implement cursor based pagination when elements can be deleted, which can invalidate the stored cursor?

I have a GraphQL query which looks like so query Person($cursor: ID, $limit: Int) { items:{ ... } name ... cursor } While making the query for the next page, I fetch using the returned ...
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