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Why does this simple and small Java code runs 30x faster in all Graal JVMs but not on any Oracle JVMs?

I'm not compiling anything to native, in other words, I'm not using native-image from GraalVM. I'm just running the same Java class (same Java bytecode) with GraalVM and then running the same Java ...
Phillip Borge's user avatar
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3 answers

C++ implementation of a simple map slower than equivalent implementation in Java: Code/Benchmark Issue?

The goal of this research is to explore the performance differences between JIT (just-in-time compilation) and AOT (ahead-of-time compilation) strategies and to understand their respective advantages ...
Joas Coder's user avatar
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jax and flax not playing nicely with each other

I want to implement a neural network with multiple LSTM gates stacked one after the other.I set the hidden states to 0, as suggested here. When I try to run the code, I get JaxTransformError: Jax ...
Dan Leonte's user avatar
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With .NET 9 escape analysis, are struct and class now equal?

From a memory allocation point of view structs (in most cases) get allocated on the stack and classes get allocated on the heap. Each having their own tradeoffs. And struct vs class is always included ...
Parsa99's user avatar
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Spooky behaviour of JAX

This is a follow-up to my previous question. I am implementing a Parameterized Quantum Circuit as a Quantum Neural Network, where the optimization loop is jitted. Although there's no error, everything ...
Sup's user avatar
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Strange interaction between reshaping and type casting in Numba

I have noticed that when I pass a 2d array of 0s and 1s into a Numba njit function, reshape it, and then cast it to np.int32 or numba.int32, the resulting array when printed is different. Here is ...
tumm's user avatar
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Cannot run Swift code on my windows system due to JIT session error

I'm getting a JIT session error when I'm running my swift program in vscode. How do I run this without the error? My terminal [Running] swift "d:\Metropolia\Swift_new\demo.swift" JIT session ...
Siddarth Singotam's user avatar
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JIT: partial or with static argnums? Non hashable input, but hashable partial

I am a bit lost on what exactly going on and what option to choose. Let's go trough an example: import jax from functools import partial from typing import List def dummy(a: int, b: List[str]): ...
Evgenii Egorov's user avatar
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multiprocessing and shared memory

I am trying to get the basics of multiprocessing in python. I have a quite complex routine that takes a large array (c.a 1Gb) and a double as inputs and returns a double. The large array is not going ...
user415893's user avatar
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cannot upload combined torch.nn.Module and torch.jit model to MLFlow due to missing __getstate__ method

I have a neural network model that has been provided to me as a torch.jit._script.RecursiveScriptModule, saved using torch.jit.script(torch_model).save(), so I don't have access to the underlying code ...
kbaker's user avatar
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Making the JIT compiler eliminate bounds checking with 'arraygleton' classes in C# 8 and earlier

In my project most of the classes (and especially the kind that contains a lot of data) are of the form: public class Polygon { ////////// Static ////////// public static readonly Polygon[] ...
August2323's user avatar
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Angular Errors during JIT compilation when upgrading to Angular 15 to Angular 18

I have just been upgrading a project form Angular 15 to Angular 18 and ran into a bunch of JIT errors when running my unit tests as follows Errors during JIT compilation of template for _CdkTable: ...
Swaroop's user avatar
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Code to handle arbitrary number of for loops in Python/Numba

I have a function compiled under the 'njit' framework in Numba. It looks like this: import numpy as np from numba import njit, types, prange from numba.typed import List @njit(cache=CACHE_FLAG) def ...
Varun Maheshwari's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Migration from Node 14 to Node 18 - The injectable 'PlatformNavigation' needs to be compiled using the JIT compiler, but '@angular/compiler'

Recently I updated Node 14 to Node 18.20.4. I changed templates and related components so when I executed ng serve there were no errors in terminal console. However, when I execute npm run start or ...
StepanZ's user avatar
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How can we instruct local .NET runtime to JIT the same way as in a core dump from production?

I have two dumps from production and both of them JIT the method System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.CompositionLock.LockComposition from the System.ComponentModel.Composition.dll assembly like ...
mark's user avatar
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