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issue in Apple Passwallete integration with php

I have generated PASS with my code and also get device id, pushtoken in response from device. here is code by which I am store all device and Pass information in database. $params = array( ...
Kruti Aparnathi's user avatar
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Passbook using passkit - pass no longer valid

I have a php project that creates passbook files using passkit. It was working fine since last spring but today we noticed that when you open the passbook on mac it says "this pass is no longer valid" ...
Panos's user avatar
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Update Passbook wallet failed to connect

i'm struck with update wallet push notiifcation,i used bellow code,server not connected error. I missed any credentials.please help to me ,fix this issue. I registered my passbook and get back ...
srivathi's user avatar
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Generate a passbook pass web service url not working via php

I created a pass via PHP and tried it on the iOS and on my iPhone and everything is working fine. Now I've problem with the "update my pass" the problem is that I don't get any payloads back to my ...
srivathi's user avatar
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PKPASS not opennig in Passbook

I'm new to passbook. I created an web application using PHP-PKPass library to create passes for Passbook. I used the necessary licences. When I submit to create the form, it creates a pass, but the ...
Tanvir Ahmad Sohan's user avatar
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Invalid passbook generated in php server

I am trying to create support passbook from ios6 and later. I found an example that works perfectly but when trying to adapt it to my server it generates invalid passbook. The original project is in ...
user3932526's user avatar
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Passkit Pull To Refresh PKZIP error

when trying to update a pass in passbook by using my web server, I get an error message: Apr 18 23:56:17 ISARFAKTOR passd[493] <Warning>: Get pass task (pass type, ...
konturgestaltung's user avatar
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I have A PassKit PHP Script And The rename() And mkdir() wont work. What Am I Doing Wrong?

I have a php system that will sign and zip a passbook pass. I need it to check for the file thumbnail.png and if it does not exist to make a directory with the variable $idnumber and then rename the ...
Davis Carlson's user avatar