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UI Grid AngularJS: Cell Filter realigns the table data

I want the table content to be right aligned in the cell. I am exporting the data using pdfmake within AngularJS. When I apply this filter to the table data it left aligns the table data. Here is ...
Adrew's user avatar
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How to print the carry over columns of ui-grid on the next page using pdfmake

I am trying to print an angular ui-grid with 30 columns and it cuts off at 15 columns. How can I print the remaining 15 columns on the next page. This is how I am generating a pdf. gridApi.exporter....
Ashu's user avatar
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UI grid - Print/Export Multiple grids into pdf on a single button click

I am exploring the export to pdf feature. I have multiple grids in a page and want to be able to print all the data in grids in a button click. I am not finding any good documentation for this. Could ...
Abi P's user avatar
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ui-grid pdfMake export layout

I am using pdfMake to export from ui-grid and I am trying to set the layout of the table using exporterPdfTableLayout as decribed in the ui-grid documentation A tableLayout in pdfMake format, ...
Janbango's user avatar
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Format a date on Pdfmake

I have used pdfmake library to export pdf content with the Angular UI Grid.Could you tell me how to format the date on it ? Thanks. Currently it shows like this : Angular grid it's like this : { ...
Sampath's user avatar
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Change name of exported pdf in ui-grid

I am using pdfmake.js for exporting ui-grid data as a pdf file. However, I am not able to find any option to change the name of the exported file dynamically. Everytime the file is downloaded with ...
Dheeraj vats's user avatar
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Can a subgrid be exported in angular ui-grid

I'm using the grid from in a project. I've created a hierarchical grid, which works nicely, but when I do an export, it only exports the data from the top-level grid. This is by ...
Matt Eno's user avatar
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ui-grid: How do I set column width when using pdf export

How can I set column widths when exporting pdf using ui-grid. Pdfmake has width as an option however the ui-grid exporter api docs don't have this option anywhere. Thanks for the help
ralphowino's user avatar
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How can I remove some columns in pdf export in angular js ui Grid

I am using Angular JS ui Grid My requirement is that I want to show e.g. 5 columns, but when I export PDF, I don't want to export ...
user3214546's user avatar
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Angularjs ui-grid exporterPdfCustomFormatter function fails

The example code for angularjs ui-grid PDF exporter from Tutorial Lesson 206 works great on the official page. When I copy the code and run it ... or run it in their Plunker ... it briefly opens a tab ...
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