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How to display dialog like on instagram to choose for map on ios and android in react native? [closed]

THis is my code and the openMapChooser function is what i got from ChatGPT, i tried everything but nothing seems to work. import {Pressable, StyleSheet, View, Text, Image, Button, Platform, Linking, ...
Scar -'s user avatar
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Safari cannot open the page because the address is invalid for Apple Maps link on iPhone

Based on the Map links documentation "" I am trying to open map links from my app....
Jacques Giraudel's user avatar
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How to disable labels in react native maps (IOS)

I'm using react native maps for my react native mobile application. On android, the map renders as apple maps. I don't want any of the labels like New York, etc. I just want a blank map. Is there a ...
username8492849's user avatar
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How do you make floating buttons like the ones in Apple Maps?

I want to know how to make floating action buttons like the ones in Apple Maps using UIKit. I'm specifically stuck on recreating the behavior where the buttons' offset changes dynamically as the ...
rizz's user avatar
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apple_maps_flutter - I want to use an image as a marker on the map [duplicate]

I get the following error when using the code in the photo: The argument type 'Future' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'BitmapDescriptor'
Bayindir's user avatar
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Tracking user's location as per Apple Maps directions in iOS app

I am creating an iOS app that has "SoS" functionality and alert based on user's moment/direction. In the app, first the user will set the destination and based on that it will plot the Apple ...
Satyam's user avatar
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How to use the Apple Business Connect API?

I like to keep the data of some locations that I administrate in sync. Currently I have to edit the entries in Google Maps, Bing Maps and Apple Maps each on its own. I know that Google Maps and Apple ...
Gregor's user avatar
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Apple Maps searchAutoComplete structuredAddress always null

Regardless of how much information is provided to the Apple Maps searchAutoComplete API, the response field structuredAddress is always null. This means I have to call the completionUrl in order to ...
Stefano L's user avatar
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App store alert to download Apple maps appears twice

I have a code that redirects the user to Google Maps or Apple Maps by pressing the map , when Apple Maps is uninstalled, an alert appears asking the user to download Apple Maps and redirects the user ...
Zeyad.Ahmed's user avatar
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Opening Apple Maps with Custom Pin Image Using Swift

I have a requirement where I need to open Apple's Maps application from my app with coordinates and a custom pin image. I am able to open the Maps application with coordinates but not with the custom ...
Peter Parker's user avatar
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showsMyLocationButton doesn't work on Apple Maps

To display the map, I'm using react-native-maps. I want to display the button to see my location, however, it only works in Google Maps; when I switched to Apple Maps, it didn't work. Also, the ...
Phạm Huy Cường Thịnh's user avatar
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react-native-maps pin switches to another pin in close proximity on apple maps

I am running into an odd problem with apple maps in react-native-maps. Whenever a pin is clicked, it switches to another pin when they are in close proximity to each other, please see the gifs below ...
TheEpic's user avatar
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MKLocalPointsOfInterestRequest does not return the same results than MKLocalSearch.Request or MKLocalSearchCompleter

My app uses Core Location to request for Points Of Interest near the user. I used the different APIs provided by Apple: MKLocalPointsOfInterestRequest, MKLocalSearch.Request and MKLocalSearchCompleter....
alpennec's user avatar
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How to get LatLng from ScreenCoordinate's in Flutter while using apple_maps_flutter?

GoogleMapsController provides this method called, _googleMapController.getLatLng(_screenCoordinates) ScreenCoordinate's as parameters and returns respective lat-long of the coordinate points. But to ...
Amani Saaduddin's user avatar
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SwiftUI custom street color in native Map

I need to change streets colors in a native Apple Map? It's possible? Any solution? Thanks.
weso's user avatar
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