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How to Use koffi with Struct Pointers

#pragma pack(1) struct EnvInfo { DWORD dwSize; WCHAR wszAppId[128]; ULONGLONG u64Qid; }; extern "C" int __stdcall SDK360_Init(const EnvInfo* pEnvInfo); this c++ code const envInfo = ...
jianjun wang's user avatar
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Electron forge wix maker & electron-updater

i've application that can run and update whenever new version released without no issue using squirrel build in electron forge. also it will update application automatically based on URL i've ...
Riki Ahmad's user avatar
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Electron build incorrect (missing icon and code)

I turned half the Internet over in search of a solution to the problem and the solutions that I found did not help me. When testing the application, the icon in the tray, as well as the code, works ...
user1010101010101010's user avatar
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How to get URL of the current active window (linux ubuntu)

Using the x-win library which gives me the app name, title, icon and URL. But URL is only available for windows and macos. In Ubuntu (x11), have tried tools like xprop, xdotool and xwininfo but none ...
Abhishek's user avatar
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Chromedriver is not working in some of my clients laptop. but it work for many

I have a bot written in selenium and wraped up in electron js, in somesystem it works fine but in somesystem it fails to run, i try to dignose and cometo know that in some system it failed to download ...
shekhar tyagi's user avatar
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Use globalShortCut to listen to key combination without overwriting system behaviour

Not much of a coder anymore nowadays and new to electron so hoping you can point me in the right direction. Trying to replicate the deepl translation desktop interaction with Electron. When a user ...
Bartezz's user avatar
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Fileystem API showDirectoryPicker() permanently broken if user doesn't choose a directory in Electron

This issue occurs in the latest version of Electron, but not in Chromium outside of Electron. The following example code uses the Filesystem API's showDirectoryPicker method to open a directory-picker ...
twhitney's user avatar
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Where is 'new BrowserWindow()' in Angular Electron application

I try to rewrite some apps to Electron (with Angular), but first question I faced is - "where is new BrowserWindow" function? I need modify this function, for example change "...
Viacheslav's user avatar
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How to fix incorrect import paths in Electron app compiled with Vite externals?

I have an Electron application using TypeScript, Vite, and React. Inside the app the code is divided into two folders. In the src/electron folder, I have all the Electron-related code, and it is ...
papakukito's user avatar
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Electron Update : Uncaught ReferenceError: global is not defined

We are trying to update node from 12 to 20 and electron version from 11 to 31. I have an Electron based application. we do webpack in the render process. It throws error when I run the app after ...
Mohan Krishna's user avatar
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Electron ready event fire Twice?

I'm building an electron app and when testing the app i wnated to minify the main.js using UglifyJS and the ready event in the minified version fire twice for some reason, the main code is fine when i ...
benz's user avatar
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Electron NSIS application install/update issue with custom install script

My electron application uses electron-builder to make NSIS for which i have created a custom install and uninstall script. Now when installing the application, i install and start some services and ...
Akshat Parashar's user avatar
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Code Signing using Electron Forge for Windows

I want to code sign my electron application using sectigo EV USB which is using electron forge to package the app and wix-msi maker. After referring to wix-msi config options I was able to make use of ...
Akshat Parashar's user avatar
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ipcmain.handle parameter has metadata(?) instead of value

I am a beginner to electron and my app does nothing more than unpack a zip and start a .bat file (it's an installer) i need the user to give a url to a database but when it returns i get in ipcMain: {&...
WoutNerd's user avatar
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Electron BrowserWindow disable zoom

how can I disable zoom for an electron app? I tried this snippet but it does not work. I can still zoom content with CMD+/- . Do i need to disable anything else? const win = new BrowserWindow({ ...
instantlink's user avatar

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