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Google Cast - setMediaInformation not working in addCustomMessageListener

I use the plugin Cast to broadcast Internet radio from a mobile app(Flutter - Android/iOS) to Chromecast. I used a custom receiver(on a Google cast device). in general, everything works, but I can't ...
FetFrumos's user avatar
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How to hide CAF notification

I am developing an app and using a custom Chromecast Receiver CAF v3. I have managed to show a notification when playing media on the Chromecast receiver. And I can also update the notification by ...
Jonas's user avatar
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Chromecast Reciever App Error : '[] The WebSocket disconnected unexpectedly: undefined '

While creating a receiver application in chromecast we are getting a problem as : [] The WebSocket disconnected unexpectedly: undefined cast_receiver_framework.js:507 WebSocket ...
Subash Shrestha's user avatar
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Chromecast Google Cast SDK custom receiver is not getting detected

I am just starting implementing chrome cast , I started working on custom receiver app and i copy pasted code from google documentation and hosted on free web hosting : https://thirsty-roentgen-206e45....
sarat K's user avatar
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Buffering percentage in CAF v3 Receiver

How do I get the buffering load percentage from the Chromecast Receiver CAF v3? I am developing a custom receiver and would like to be able to show a percentage when buffering a stream, so the user ...
Jonas's user avatar
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How do I do basic customization of a custom Chromecast Receiver app? Like setting the background image while loading?

I have a custom Chromecast receiver app with the most basic code: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="//
Doug Smith's user avatar
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Custom CAF Receiver and built-in slideshow issues

We are currently working on a Custom CAF Receiver App. We would like to promote some of our contents using the built-in slideshow feature (see :
Antoine Claudé-Pénégry's user avatar
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CAF Receiver, shutdown handling to http requests

Some background reading at first :) what is shutdown handling I'm doing a custom receiver with CAF SDK. With the similar shutdown handling, I try to dispatch some http requests within the callback ...
Francis zhao's user avatar
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Chromecast reciever with WebRtc PeerConnection crashes after 30sec

I wrote a screen mirror client app in javascript with html ui, and ran it in chrome browser. I took same app and deployed as chromecast receiver app, it streams & plays audio/video on chromecast ...
Hakeem's user avatar
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Unable to cast to a Custom Receiver App from JW Player 8

I'm trying to cast videos from a web application using JW Player 8 to a Custom Cast Receiver App. I've registered the receiver app, whitelisted the device that I'm casting to (the app isn't yet ...
Leigh F's user avatar
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CAF Receiver, shutdown handling

i'm trying to add logic to the shutdown event on my receiver app but every time the sender disconnects, debugger just closes and no logic is executed (like sending some HttpRequests). My piece of code:...
Kici's user avatar
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CAF Receiver: Positioning of subtitles

I've created a custom CAF receiver for playing back MPEG-DASH content which is encrypted using Widewine. My content also has TTML subtitles embedded in the manifest which can be changed dynamically. ...
anders's user avatar
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Google Cast Video Player becomes unresponsive after network error

I am working on a Chromecast custom receiver app, built on top of the sample app provided by Google (sampleplayer.CastPlayer) The app manages a playlist, I would like the player to move on to the ...
Hugo's user avatar
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Chromecast does not resume after pause with error 2100

I recently updated my application from the old CastCompanionLibrary to Chromecast SDK3 and although play and seek work normally, I can't resume playback after pause. I am logging the error as follows ...
Virginia Woolf's user avatar
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How can I get Chromecast correctly display unicode characters using custom receiver?

I've setup a custom receiver application using CastHelloText-android as a base, and I'm trying to get it to correctly display certain unicode characters, however it is just displaying a blank space ...
kee23's user avatar
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