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Fetching Specific Data from google Map to my Flutter Mobile APP

I have this project in class , I have to retrieve specific data from the Google Map . the thing I want is to get Pharmacies Near me , I want the steps to do that , because I tried ChatGPT and nothing ...
Nouaman Ahmamcha's user avatar
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Flutter App shows this message when launching it on a browser

enter image description here I am trying to use google map API to show pharmacies Near me and all that in a flutter app , I configured everything and got the API Key .... I also managed to ask for GPS ...
Nouaman Ahmamcha's user avatar
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Android Studio Electric Eel refuses to compile build file google_maps_flutter_android-2.4.2, throws exception

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. Where: Build file '/Users/sam/StudioProjects/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/' What went ...
Sam's user avatar
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Exceeded sample count in FrameTime Google map flutter

My log is flooded by this message: Exceeded sample count in Frame Time, especially when using real device (Samsung s9 w/android 10), and rendering google maps. Exceeded sample count in Frame Time
Hosam Kawkgy's user avatar
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How to solve errors in flutter app uses google maps?

I want to build an app with google maps service and I found many tutorials regarding this but the mostly one fits my need this one Tutorial I'm trying to build this app, the app has 2 files one main....
peace love's user avatar
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adding google map in flutter app probleme

**Hello everyone ,I want to integrate google maps in my flutter application but isn't working somoene can help me please ,somoene have an idea please--------------------------------------------------...
Ilyass El's user avatar
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Set opacity color in google map polygon in Flutter

Is somebody know how can I set the opacity color in my polygon coordinates, I just want the black background in my polygon set the color to purple which has the opacity color and same also to the ...
BootCamp's user avatar
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I am having troubles creating a Marker on flutter with the Google Maps dependency

I am trying to create an app in flutter that allows me to find electoral zones by 4 digit codes, but I am having problems when passing data from one screen to another to use the variable that I pass ...
Leon Gomez Ruiz's user avatar
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onTap method for Flutter to open longitude and latitude stored in Firestore

I am trying to create a search engine for electoral sections, once it finds the electoral section by clicking on the item it should send me to a longitude and latitude that I have stored in firestore ...
Leon Gomez Ruiz's user avatar
4 votes
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Error: "I/Process (26960): Sending signal. PID: 26960 SIG: 9 Lost connection to device." while using flutter on android studio

After I typed in this block of code, Every time I try to run the program, I get this "I/Process (26960): Sending signal. PID: 26960 SIG: 9 Lost connection to device. Below is the block of code.I ...
The Vortex's user avatar
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Google Maps Flutter plugin method not working as expected

I have been using google maps for flutter in Android Studio for about two months and now the GoogleMapsController.animateCamera is throwing this exception: [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/]...
Nils Bruzelius's user avatar
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How solve Google Play Store is missing warning to show google map in Flutter

W/GooglePlayServicesUtil( 4892): Google Play Store is missing. This warning is preventing google map to show in genymotion device. and this is the output of map in android 9 in genymotion: How can ...
Free Palestine's user avatar
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Unhandled Exception: PlatformException(error, java.lang.IllegalStateException: Trying to create an already created platform view, view id: 0

I am trying to build google map from flutter flamework...but this error is really buzzing me off...please help me out... 2020-02-19 05:16:45.027 24331-24360/com.cookietech.flutter_map E/flutter: [...
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