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Is there a way to remove the Directions button / link from the Google Maps embed code?

I maintain the website of an enterprise. Recently they called me to say that on the Google Map section, one of their customers complained that when he clicked on the directions button, the browser (or ...
Terry's user avatar
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Map marker gets covered by surrounding data

I'm using Google Maps Embed API and the markers within the iframe get partly covered by surrounding place labels. How could I increase their z-index or whatever property necessary so they have ...
fombo's user avatar
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Using IFrame to embed google directions [closed]

I am building a react app and I am trying to embed Google Maps direction on my site. Here is my code: import React from "react"; import Iframe from "react-iframe"; export default (...
Ela's user avatar
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How do I properly proxy a request to the Google Maps Embed API?

I'm attempting to use the Google Maps Embed API to embed a map matching an address that a user enters. Following the developer guide, I acquired an API Key to add to my API requests. I'm able to ...
stackmak's user avatar
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Embedded Google map not showing when using more than one Google account [closed]

I've embedded a Google map that I created using Google account A. If I am not logged in to any Google account and visit the website then the map works fine. If I log in to one Google account (let's ...
martinnc's user avatar
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How can i change google map marker for direction using iFrame?

Existing code: <iframe width="600" height="500" id="gmap_canvas" src=",108.0333023&saddr=23.585941, 108.063190&daddr=23.620677, 108.05339+to:23....
tantan's user avatar
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Embed Google Maps without cookies

I'm trying to embed a Google Map in a way that does not use cookies, because of the EU cookie law. I want to use the Embed API because it can display the place information (rating, directions button......
SlimDeluxe's user avatar
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Google Maps Embed call failing for queries with number signs / pound signs / hash tags

My application throws the error: Google Maps Platform rejected your request. You must use an API key to authenticate each request to Google Maps Platform APIs. For additional information, ...
kalittles's user avatar
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Google Maps Platform rejected your request. Invalid 'pb' parameter

I am trying to show Google map in webview, but it is saying Google Maps Platform rejected your request. Invalid request. Invalid 'pb' parameter. But when I am rendering the same iframe on web ...
Sanjeev's user avatar
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Will this specific method of dynamically embedding Google Maps without API key work for 1000s of page views?

With the 2018 changes in Google Maps pricing, we can't afford to use it as we have done so far. We're considering moving to another provider, but also discovered a working way to embed a map without ...
Jan Żankowski's user avatar
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Incorrect by ~100m google maps embed despite accurate lat/long

I have an embedded google map, and am pulling the lat and long from a url saved in the db. However, the resulting map is always slightly off, usually by a few hundred meters. If I inspect the map, the ...
Jamie Green's user avatar
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Using Google Maps website to create a keyless Embedded map

I notice that, if I follow the instructions on this google maps answer, there is no information about the requirement for an API key when embedding a Google Map iframe into the HTML of my website or ...
Precedence Developer's user avatar
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Google Maps Embed Advanced API

So. Google is changing the Maps API and there's now a difference between Embed Maps and Embed Advanced Maps. Could anyone tell me the difference between an embed map and an advanced embed map? The ...
Asier Paz Martínez's user avatar
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Need Google "My Maps" Legend Opened at Startup

I have a Google "My Maps" listing that relies heavily on a layered legend display to navigate 5 layers I'm displaying. I'd like the legend to be open by default when the iframe is loaded. Ideally, I'...
Scott B's user avatar
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Google Maps Embed API - Directions Mode - Optimized route with multiple waypoints

Do you know if there is a way to use the Google Maps Embed API with "Directions" mode to get the route between an origin/destination with multiple waypoints but optimized? I know the Directions API ...
Leandro.a.lopez's user avatar

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