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Parsing dynamic optional Key-Value JSON in Swift

how to parse dynamic key (!":)value or modified these two struct for dynamic key handling struct Join : Codable { let papLZgcMalaVpYzStUcommatrixin : !...
9to5ios's user avatar
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How to parse a string data from array inside JSON another array in Swift 4

I have to show string data into a tableView. { "success": [ [ "An Ad with order id 2563 at location DLF, Delhi has been approved | 20 hours before|Shashank Tiwari" ], [ "...
saumya ranjan Gangwar's user avatar
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How to send Dictionary as parameter to the Get Request Swift

i have to call GET API like required :
NAVEEN KUMAR's user avatar
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Show continents on the first tableview and then show countries for the selected continents in another tableview

I have a JSON like this and I need to parse it offline using a Codable model. In my ViewController I have 2 tableviews, on the first one I have to show only the continents list, on the second ...
Andrea Maps's user avatar
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How can I make Alamofire requests progressively?

I have to send a POST request to a server with Alamofire but need to change the "id" in the body parameters every time that the previous api call has been completed. Here is what I did so far, but ...
Andrea Maps's user avatar
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Getting Error Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "No value." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=No value.} when Running request.httpMethod = "GET"

I am running one of my function to get notifications from server using access token after Logging in, I am getting error at line request.httpMethod = "GET". I am beginner to Swift can some one please ...
Rajeevanand Kulkarni's user avatar
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Unable to Extract token from JSON Response using Almofire in swift4

Can some one help me to how to extract token from one of my web services request using almofire in swift4. I want to store token in one of the variable. below I have posted the JSON response from my ...
Rajeevanand Kulkarni's user avatar
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How can I send HTML tag string in REST API by using Swift Alamofire?

I need to send HTML string to server. I am using Swift alamofire and when I try to call Rest api then getting ccs code response from server. same body format used in PostMan and it's working good. My ...
Bambhroliya Bhavdip's user avatar
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How to decode a nested JSON struct with dynamic number of nested levels?

I can receive a JSON file with variable number of nested fields, like for example this: { "id": "field1", "values": [{ "1": [{ "11": ["111", "112"], "12": ["121", "122"] }], "2": [{ ...
AppsDev's user avatar
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Decoding a JSON array that has no field name

I have a simple JSON file like this. { "january": [ { "name": "New Year's Day", "date": "2019-01-01T00:00:00-0500", "isNationalHoliday": true, ...
Isuru's user avatar
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Invalid type in JSON write (__SwiftValue)

I am trying to pass a Parameters [String:Any] value to and it's throwing error every time. I know the values of the [String:Any] dictionary is Swifty.JSON objects. But I am ...
Qedrix's user avatar
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Struggling to parse NSArray to a string with delimiter to produce a QR code in swift

Hi I am currently trying to parse a JSON array produced by alamofire as below: [ { "UUID": "31ea524c-4d19-46f7-b3ec-c9264f9dbc78" }, { "UUID": "d0c89800-bbae-4189-88ab-...
Drewby80's user avatar
3 votes
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Swift 4 JSONDecoder Utility Function for Arbitrary Struct

I'm trying to create a utility function which given some Data and a struct which conforms to Decodable can decode the JSON data into the struct as follows: func decodeDataToModel(data : Data?, model ...
Alk's user avatar
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JSONDecoder failed to decode nested dictionaries

I'm using JSONDecoder to decode from a JSON file which has nested dictionaries. It fails to decode from the json data to my customized model. This is what I have tried in my code. The JSONDecoder ...
Steve's user avatar
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Swift 4.2 - Decode JSON Where Same Key Is Different Type

I am decoding an object using the following model struct ACDeviceLastData { var DA: ACDeviceLastDataBody = ACDeviceLastDataBody() } struct ACDeviceLastDataBody { var amOn: Bool = false ...
Brandon Stillitano's user avatar

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