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Z-Order problem while displaying isometric tiles

I have a little problem while displaying isometric tiles in my school game. The fact is that I suppose everything is ok with my code... Here is how it's organised: architecture: MVC + ECS everything ...
Pax's user avatar
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How can I add 3d collision in an isometric tile map in Monogame

So I'm trying to add a 3d collision in my 2d isometric collision. I want to use Vector3 to help me. The z position will be the depth. But i tried it and it does not work. Is there any way of adding a ...
bilal ali8's user avatar
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Isometric collision detection error in Monogame

So, I have this problem where the collision does not work properly. I tried many techniques. The red tiles were supposed to show the collision with the green tile. The problem is when I try to convert ...
bilal ali8's user avatar
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In Unity how do I convert a Vector3 isometric (tilemap) direction to a normal direction in degrees

I need a function that converts a isometric direction (from a unity isometric tilemap) to a normal one. For example in this image I created waypoints along the track (red line) they dont attach to the ...
Jaxx0rr's user avatar
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2d tilemap or 3d isometric?

I am learning unity for fun and to experience myself I would like to recreate my childhood game : master of olympus zeus. Should I go 2D with tilemap or 3D with camera setup to reproduce the isometric ...
pandoux's user avatar
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html canvas isometric tile map rendering

am trying to achieve something like this but i always endup tiles are not rendering when reaching to boundries , it should be drawing 200x200 map how ever it only show 17x17 the game am building is ...
Majed Faraj's user avatar
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How to grow an isometric rectangular box properly with HTML and CSS?

It is convenient for isometric grids to start at the top like this: I have the following code to draw a "3d" isometric box: body { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-...
Ryan Peschel's user avatar
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Unity isometric Tilemap / Tile Palette: Exact asset placement

just starting out in Unity. I tried to include a tile asset into an isometric tile palette. However, I can't manage to make its size match exactly one tile of the grid all while perfectly covering it. ...
mask2's user avatar
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Having trouble centering a Gizmo in Unity's editor with an Isometric Grid where Z axis serves as Y axis

I'm trying to make the boxes in OnDrawGizmos() center isometrically within each tile. As you can see, I want to know the coordinates of each tile and always have them displayed in the editor. As you ...
Sergio García Vico's user avatar
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React Three Fiber: Isometric Sprite Alignment

I'm creating a simple game using Isometric sprites using React Three Fiber. Currently trying to resolve an issue on the sprites not aligning properly to their grids. Currently this is how my sprites ...
chdonncha's user avatar
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Trying to make an Isometric game without isometric tile rendering [duplicate]

I am a high school student programming a pygame game for a school project that is due in about a week and a half from now and my problem is if I am able to create an isometric game but instead of tile ...
Y-Orozco's user avatar
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Calculating coordinates on an isometric grid from the chunks X,Y

I'm trying to calculate the coordinates of individual tiles within a chunk on an isometric grid from the coord of a chunk that is in a standard x,y grid format of its own, there are 2 coord systems ...
Reece Harris's user avatar
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How to revert isometric to orthographic position?

I struggle to get the reverse from my function to get the world position from a grid cell: public class WorldPosition : IMessageSerializable { private Vector2Int _map; private Vector2Int _cell;...
Borhink's user avatar
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2D Isometric depth sorting entities (only) formula not working

(C#/MonoGame) i => (int) (Math.Floor((((x + - grid.view.viewport.x) - tile_width_half) / tile_width_half + (y + - grid.view.viewport.y) / tile_height_half) / 2)...
Milsan's user avatar
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How can I solve this layering problem in Unity 2D?

I have a function that creates, in an isometric perspective, a ground made out of n*n blocks, n being the length of one side, just like in the example below. All the creating is made from scratch, by ...
Loukas's user avatar
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