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Mac Drag Windows to Menu Bar to Fill Screen Delay

In Sequoia 15.1.1, is there a way to edit the delay when dragging windows to the top to full screen them? When I drag to the sides for 1/2 screen it's close to instant to snap, but when I drag to the ...
Miles's user avatar
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(GODOT 4.3) how to make enemy move to random tile using astargrid2d?

i have made an enemy that uses astargrid2d to move and chase the player, however i wanted to make the enemy move to a random tile when it goes to a certain state what i tried to do is to make an if ...
SPONGEBOB  RED YT channel's user avatar
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Add a geom_scatterpie to a geom_tile - Problem while converting geom to grob

I do not fufil to use geom_scatterpie on a ggplot layer made using get_tiles and geom_tile. I always get the following error: Error: ! Problem while converting geom to grob. ℹ Error occurred in the ...
Klone's user avatar
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Godot 4.3 Bug with TileSet putting diagonals tiles with autotiles

I'm trying to put tilesets on a tilemap using autotiling, and I have configured the terrain using the following schema: But it's not working as it's suppose to, for example, the diagonal It was ...
Nevinimore's user avatar
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How do I fix xtensor tile std::bad_array_new_length?

I want to implement np.tile(a[:,0], (len(b), 1)) in cpp xtensor and I got to the following line, with a xarray<float>(N,21) and b xarray<float>(M,21). xt::xarray<float> res = xt::...
las's user avatar
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html canvas isometric tile map rendering

am trying to achieve something like this but i always endup tiles are not rendering when reaching to boundries , it should be drawing 200x200 map how ever it only show 17x17 the game am building is ...
Majed Faraj's user avatar
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Misaligned Tiles in Unity

I want to make a maze in Unity, so I use the Tilemap tool. I created 1 sprite for the path tile and an other sprite for the wall tile. Each sprite is 50x50 pixels, and the outline in the wall sprite ...
Simon Naulet's user avatar
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SVG Texture Tiled Plane

Im trying to tile a plane in SVG, but unfortunatley i cant use css3 perspective as its buggy in safari. I tried skewX with a fixed perspective tile. It kind of works, but i think the maths is wrong? ...
slyi's user avatar
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Godot 4 - How can I have a tile in a tilemap with a different clickable area?

I'm trying out game programming in Godot, and working on an isometric 2D game. I'm trying to add ramps and elevation, and have run into a problem. Elevation works, fine, but the clickable area for ...
CalKyanite's user avatar
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Godot Tilemap Tile Shader | Map pixel data to tile color

I've been trying to set the color of a tile based on a color in a texture. The texture's size is equivalent to the size of the tilemap, where each pixel represents one tile. I need this info because I ...
Knight Steele's user avatar
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How to replace tiles in Unity?

I want to build some levels (rooms) for my game but i didn't make tile map yet. I want to build my level using placeholder images and when i make tile map i want to replace placeholders with normal ...
Дмитрий Наседкин's user avatar
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QGIS 3.36 - Adding Basemaps - Tile request max retry error. Failed 3 requests for tile 1 of tileRequest 2

I have been trying to add basemaps in QGIS 3.36, via both Quick Map Services plugin and XYZ Tiles. But get the following error: WARNING Tile request max retry error. Failed 3 requests for tile 1 of ...
Shawn DeGroot's user avatar
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How do I make proper milimetrical 9-slicing in unity?

Picture of the incorrectly stretched block In Unity 2d, I have the following block, and I want to 9-slice it in tile mode, but my problem is that the tiles stretch for some reason instead of being ...
MarcosT's user avatar
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Assign values based on reverse combination of two columns

Following this question, Multiple values in one tile with geom_tile and matrix plot, I'd like the tile attributes in agreement_num to be symmetrical, i.e. for the reverse pair combination, I'd like to ...
MoonS's user avatar
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How would I add a second row in a tile map?

How would I add a second row in a tile map, how would I move the tile that it prints from the image down? say I have a row 0f ten columns of tiles I am trying to get the second row of tiles please ...
peanut butter and jukie's user avatar

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