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Split and Join Images Using Python

I've successfully divided my image into tiles, which I am aiming to process. However, afterwards, I'd like to join them and form the processed image, the same way the original image was in dimensions. ...
Jaegermeister's user avatar
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The tiles of my scrolling tile-based platformer aren't loading onto the screen

I've been working on this platformer for a couple months now and I've encountered a problem: when I try to load the tiles of my level, they don't show up. Plus, the game lags like hell when I try to ....
Yzaques's user avatar
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BufferedImage getTile(): what is it, how does it differ from getSubimage()

What is BufferedImage getTile()? I see that is returns a Raster object. Is this another form of an image or graphical object? If so, what advantages / disadvantages are there to using getTile() vs ...
ReBuff's user avatar
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Android Compose - How to tile/repeat a bitmap/vector?

What is the Android Compose approach to tile an image to fill my background with a small pattern? A naive approach for Bitmaps without rotation could be like this: @Composable fun TileImage() { ...
Benoit's user avatar
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divide image without loosing its coordinates (tile)

I have a large images 5000x3500 and I want to divide it into small images 512x512 but without loosing the original image coordinates. The large images are annotated/labled that's why I want to keep ...
Nouf's user avatar
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How to merge OSM tiles from high zoom level to lower zoom level?

Some context I am creating a heatmap from GPX data with spark. I managed to create OSM tiles on a zoom level 15 and now I want to merge them into a zoom level 14. I prefer to do it this way instead ...
Paul Fournel's user avatar
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merging images with merge-images.js 1) does not place correctly and 2) gives "tainted" error on chrome

I need a simple way to create larger images from tiles. I found merge-images library here (merge-images) and on safari it displays images but not placed correctly. on chrome I just get error about a ...
user3510164's user avatar
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How to mosaic arrays using numpy?

I have an numpy array of shape (780,256,256) representing 780 tiles of an image, which I need to reassemble into the original image, but can't figure out how to reshape this properly. The 780 tiles ...
Cate's user avatar
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How do Tiles take less memory than bigger Images

Okay so lets picture this: 1) You have a 64x64 pixels png file painted all red. You load the thing, you put it in a Texture-type variable, write a position variable and you draw it. 2) You have a ...
Human's user avatar
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Stitching image tiles of the same size, with different offsets/positions

I have ~200 images (scanned map extracts) that I would like to stitch into a single large image All images are of the same width/height (~3000 x ~1900px), however, they do not stack above/below/...
BaudThief's user avatar
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Zooming multiple images at once javafx

Language: Java FX Objective is to have zoom functionality working(both digital and tile zoom). By tile zoom , i mean loading next set of images corresponding to the area which is getting zoomed. ...
Jeril Kuruvila's user avatar
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Split Picture in tiles and put in array

I have a large Tilesheet (over 1000 tiles in one picture) like this: Each tile is 64x64 and I want to split the picture. in this example I would be 4 tiles and put in an array. How can I do this? ...
Lirf's user avatar
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How should three images be tiled using ImageMagick montage?

I want to tile three images into a rectangle. Two of the images are to be on the left, on top of each other and set to the same width, and the remaining image is to be on the right. --------- | 1 | ...
d3pd's user avatar
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slick2D spritesheet doesn't load

I've got a question, I verly new to slick and I'm making a sidescroller. I'm trying to load a spritesheet in a stateBasedGame. But when i run/debug the game it runs but doesn't show the image. Here is ...
DavidIsTheName's user avatar
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How do I use CGImageRef to loop over parts of an image that has been resized without increasing pixelation?

I am trying to create an effect that looks as if 2 images are woven into each other. So I scaled the first image to be the background and I am looping over the second image using several UIIMageViews ...
sfbarry14's user avatar

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