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Formating the date with bootstrap datepicker

I have an input where using bootstrap datepicker, but i want the output format to be like (Day - Month #, year) ex: Wednesday - January 1, 2025. <div class="col-md-6"> <div class=&...
noMan's user avatar
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How to Regex InnnerHTML value to input text from copied InnerHTML Value to input text? [duplicate]

How to remove leading zero and kg from copied innerHTML to input field text? from 0000300kg to 300? Html <button class="tmbltimbang" id="timbangmuatan" onclick="bruto()&...
omdx's user avatar
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Terminated gulp watch

I am using jquery and express (maybe) project. This project node version is 12 If I run gulp watch Then It work. But after I change my script file because of editing code, [10:47:42] Finished 'js' ...
Gamrom's user avatar
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Fill <select> element with jQuery [duplicate]

Scenario: When the page is loaded it has e.g. users State in plain div and below there's e.g. address form to be filled, so the existing State select list can be autofilled with correct State and save ...
user3108268's user avatar
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How to use JavaScript or jQuery to select an anchor tag using the enter key

I'm stuck trying to select an anchor tag inside of an unordered list using the keyboard arrow keys and hitting the enter key. The arrow keys will highlight the link, triggering the native browser ...
g-ulrich's user avatar
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Select group Elements with Sortable.js [closed]

i have a list with different customers and their own products. my customer asked if its possible to click in one of them, and check or validate the others elements with the same class, then drag and ...
mcastro's user avatar
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How can I properly add an event listener to a series of asynchronous functions in Javascript/JQuery?

I'm struggling with the order of operations with asynchronous functions and event listeners in Javascript. I have a script with a function that fetches a list of publicly-traded companies from an API ...
fitted_sheet's user avatar
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How to download images to pdf using html2-pdf

I am trying to download pdf with my DataTable records each record have download report button while hit on that button I want to download the pdf with respective row data so I'm using html2-pdf ...
Chinni Ch's user avatar
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slide two divs by clicking one link [duplicate]

I would like to implement this CSS-Only Carousel from this link: Instead of just one I would like two Carousel that are triggered at the same time by ...
leli's user avatar
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Code not working on website (working fine on Codepen) [closed]

I have some code for rotating circular text on my website that was working fine until recently. Now I am getting some error messages and the text is just displaying as normal static, horizontal text. ...
gjjr's user avatar
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Using daterangepicker to date range and single days without double clicks

I am working on a beach reservation system and I need a daterangepicker which allows users to select a date range. But, the problem is that if a user is interested in selecting only one date or just a ...
Ana's user avatar
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React is ignoring / not executing DOM modification by JQuery or javascript [duplicate]

I have a App.jsx file function App() { return ( <> <small>Date is<span class="date"></span></small> </> ) } export default App ...
Bhrth's user avatar
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Ajax not calling a c# function [closed]

I am trying to call a C# method from my javascript code that when the user presses a button it updates the query variable and gets back a new table for those dates. but my javascript dosnt call the C# ...
Tom Daniliuc's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I implement a "Flash in" animation?

Currently I have a div that has the class "hidden" (css, display: none). I want it to add the class "full-size" after a set ammount of time with javascript. However, how can I ...
Lucirie's user avatar
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Form generating twice in Apps Script using JQuery

While creating a small WebbApp with Google Apps Script and JQuery, I am struggling with a form which generates itself twice... My app is composed of 4 files below : function doGet(request) { ...
Maxence Hermand's user avatar

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