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how to show indicator for current playing queueitem in mediabrowserservice (android auto) android?

enter image description here i want to show indicator icon like above image I will try lots of but i havent idea. how to do it like this
MacyMind's user avatar
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MediaSession.Callback onPrepareFromMediaId not triggered from android auto

I'm working on an Android project that uses MediaSession and it seems no matter what I do , MediaSession.Callback's onPrepareFromMediaId function is not triggered from the Android Auto. The onGetRoot ...
George Dumitrascu's user avatar
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How to control music playback on the phone from WearOS watch

I want remote control phone music playback from WearOS watch just for play/pause/next/previous as system app does. I have google a lot, building a media browser client in WearOS app looks right to ...
Haozes's user avatar
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Controlling the speed in ExoPlayer via MediaBrowserServiceCompat

How can I control the speed from an exo player via the UI to MediaBrowserServiceCompat? Does Android provide a normal solution for it?
David Feldman's user avatar
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How to control play/pause state of MediaBrowserServiceCompat from RecyclerView?

I have an app that uses MediaBrowserServiceCompat to play audio. I have a RecyclerView that displays a list of media items, and I want to be able to control the play and pause state of each item from ...
David Feldman's user avatar
2 votes
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How to start a MediaBrowserServiceCompat in Automotive OS?

I am sending a notification from a worker that has an action which should open the media app. In other words, I want to start the MediaBrowserServiceCompat when the action is clicked. I tried this ...
Ahmed Sellami's user avatar
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Bluetooth Headset media buttons not working on Android using media2 nor media3

I'm building an app which needs to trigger an audio menu. For that purpose I need to intercept clicks on media buttons, specifically the play/pause button. It is working fine using wired headsets and ...
nverinaud's user avatar
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Android Auto - click on list entry put nothing happens

I'm struggling with Android Auto using Desktop Head Unit Emulator. So far I create my media app in Android Auto, start it and all media albums where shown. However, when I click on an entry, nothing ...
Alejandro Gomez's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Android Auto: Media item gets stuck "Getting your selection..." instead of showing controls while playing

I've got a PlaybackService.kt class that implements MediaBrowserServiceCompat() since that is required for Android Auto support. The player itself works great in-app. The app is 95% used for HLS ...
arrakis90's user avatar
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How to access SimpleExoPlayer instance inside MediaBrowserServiceCompat with PlayerControlView?

I have been trying to build an audio podcast app in which I need one feature of playing audio that should show in the notification bar/ lock screen just like any other music app. For that, I have used ...
krupa parekh's user avatar
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Implementing a MediaBrowserServiceCompat in a HeadlessJsTaskService

I'm working on a music player in my React Native app. I have a fully functioning player right now based on ExoPlayer 2.17.1 that is controlled by a MusicService class extending HeadlessJsTaskService()....
arrakis90's user avatar
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How to resolve leak at

Leak is : 19583-19583/com.example D/LeakCanary: ​ ┬─── │ GC Root: Global variable in native code │ ├─$ServiceBinder instance │ Leaking: UNKNOWN │ ...
NickUnuchek's user avatar
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How can I change Media items in Android MediaBrowserServiceCompat

I am making an Android Auto based media player. I really have one page of media that can be played, but sometimes the titles of these items change. Lets say the first item says 'news of the hour for ...
Uberbug's user avatar
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How can I disable the Android 11 media notification for my application when using ExoPlayer's media2 extension?

I have an application that plays videos using ExoPlayer. A notification is created using the PlayerNotificationManager and MediaDescriptionAdapter from ExoPlayer. On Android 11 on a Pixel 5 (but not a ...
Stuart Gilbert's user avatar
1 vote
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On Android 11 setMediaSession on Notification then call stopSelf won't trigger onDestroy in MediaBrowserServiceCompat

I've tried to scope down the code as much as possible to identify the problem (although may have missed some pieces) but essentially I'm having an issue that occurs for Android 11 or higher where the ...
Nic Capdevila's user avatar

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