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Intra prediction for edge boundary block

What would be the values of (A, B, C, D, M, I, J, K, L) for the top left-upper block (edge block) in H.264/AVC intra-prediction? image 1: Intra block layout The second picture shows that, in this ...
신한강's user avatar
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Media3 ExoPlayer Not Playing FLV, ASF, or MPEG Formats: What Are the Solutions?

I'm currently working on an Android app using Media3 ExoPlayer, and I'm facing issues with playing media files in FLV, ASF, and MPEG formats. I’ve tried loading these files, but ExoPlayer seems to ...
nabeel abid's user avatar
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should I ignore the packet if the banned_zero_bit of the NAL Unit is 1(true)?

I'm trying to check if a NAL unit is valid. I found that the video packets have PID 256 and are encoded in H.264/AVC. I filtered the packets that have PUSI as true and apparently they all start a NAL ...
Nick branly's user avatar
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Syncing Audio from MPEG-2 video to MPEG-4 Video After encode LPCM 5.1 to True-HD Master Audio

I was having nightmare trying to make sync to movie that i have but found better audio in LPCM 6912 kbp's so i tried my best to make it DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 and all worked fine. I muxed new DTS ...
Michał Detka's user avatar
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Exoplayer does not play h264 mpeg-4 avc (part 10) codec in Android

try { BandwidthMeter bandwidthMeter = new DefaultBandwidthMeter(); TrackSelector trackSelector = new DefaultTrackSelector(new AdaptiveTrackSelection.Factory(bandwidthMeter)); ...
YeJong Choe's user avatar
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How to convert MPEG2-TTS to MPEG2-TS format to playback using ffplay

I know some OSS such as ffmpeg or gstreamer don't support to play-back MPEG2-TTS stream. Then, I tried to convert 192 bytes TTS packet to 188 bytes TS packet by deleting first 4 bytes like: def ...
Asustor's user avatar
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Is there any way to parse .mpd file and download all the media from url generated?

I'm using mpd-parser to parse the ".mpd" file and generate URLs so I've got a few questions:- How many types of configurations I can find in the file or is there any better way to generate ...
Khyati Chhajed's user avatar
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How to correctly encrypt the I-frames in video files?

I'm trying to encrypt only the I-frames of a video file so that the energy overhead is lessened compared to if I tried to encrypt the whole file. However, after encrypting what I thought were the I-...
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How to play audio from a stream that contains a MPEG file?

My program receives MPEG audio as a stream and I want to play that stream as soon as it's received by the app. I am already familiar with SoundPlayer but it only supports .wav files and I've seen ...
lingeringame's user avatar
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Convert 10 bit number to mantissa-exponent and vice-versa

From: ST 2022-3:2010 - SMPTE Standard How do I understand and do this: Maximum_bit_rate (Mode 1 only): This field shall contain a 10-bit number where the ...
lol's user avatar
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Does MPEG-Dash live have ?begin parameter in their URI to start playback from a particular position

I have a MPEG-DASH URI like below where i have begin parameter specifying from where to start the playback. This is a dynamic MPD. I want to ...
Raghavendra Ganiga's user avatar
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How do I convert raw audio/binary mpeg data into audio/x-mulaw with a sample rate of 8000 and base64 encoded in NodeJS?

I'm reading the docs of I'm currently using a TTS API that returns back raw audio/mpeg binary data. But in order to play ...
J.Gudal's user avatar
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How to get better video quality using Accord.Video.FFMPEG.DLL

I have developed a Visual Studio Winapp that produces a video file utilizing Accord.Video.FFMPEG.DLL. The quality the video is less than the original images. Here is the code and then a sample ...
HighwayRob's user avatar
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How to turn binary from server back into audio file?

I am using express's res.sendFile() to send an .mp3 file from my server to my client as a response to a post request. I have been unable to transform the string of data (binary, I think?) back into a ...
Willy McNamara's user avatar
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Is it possible to stitch MP3 frames together?

I'm working with CBR, no bit reservoir, 192k bitrate, and 48k sample rate MP3 files. CBR + 192k bitrate + 48k sample rate gives a clean 576 bytes per frame. No bit reservoir is to make each frame ...
Maxime Dupré's user avatar

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