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How to read content of pass.pkpass file and send in text/xml restfull webservice response

I impleted to generate pkpass. I integrated in backed restfull api which send response in text/xml content type. I am trying to read .pkpass file in backed ...
Praveen D's user avatar
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Update Passbook Error - The pass cannot be read because it isn't valid

I'm trying to send a new pass json data to my device to update my pass in Apple Wallet following the part "Getting the Latest Version of a Pass" in this document. The new json data is exactly the ...
Hoang Trung's user avatar
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Can't push notification to APNS to update my pass in Apple Wallet

I'm trying to push notification to APNS to update my pass in Apple Wallet app. According to this document, we only need to send the pass type identifier and the push token to APNs. Then they will take ...
Hoang Trung's user avatar
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Push notification is not being recieved on iphone. It is delivered from server aparently. It may be implementation error

I am trying to send push notification to apple's Passbook application on updation of a coupon, in order to update it in PassBook application on device. According to apple's passbook documentation I ...
tmw's user avatar
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PHP generated pass is not being installed in wallet on an iPhone

I am using this passgenerator library to generate a .pkpass which is supposed to be installed on an apple wallet on iPhone. The .pkpass file is generated successfully but it could not be added to "...
tmw's user avatar
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iOS - Passbook Registration Url For Automatic Updates

I am having quiet a few problems implementing the automatic update functionality on a pass of passbook. But my current question is (It is not a very good one, I dont have alot of knowledge about web ...
Abdul91's user avatar
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Update passes of passbook

How to update passes of passbook by push notification. I get the pushtoken by webservice url. but i don't know how to update passes through push notification. i am using simple php file for push ...
user3505899's user avatar
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Unable to add generated pkpass to iPhone using MobileSafari

I am generating a .pkpass with a PHP library, PHP-PKPass, but the problem is, I cannot add it to my phone with MobileSafari, it throws: Invalid data error reading pass
Keaton Burleson's user avatar
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Invalid passbook generated in php server

I am trying to create support passbook from ios6 and later. I found an example that works perfectly but when trying to adapt it to my server it generates invalid passbook. The original project is in ...
user3932526's user avatar
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iOS Passbook Special Characters in Back Fields

I'm using PHP-PKPass to generate a pass for Passbook on iOS devices. I need to include a copyright symbol (©) on the back in one of the "backFields", but am not having any success. I've tried ...
Anthony Hessler's user avatar
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PHP-PKPass Not working with iOS 7 add the date and time that the pass was signed using the S/MIME signing-time attribute in PHP

Hi im new to ios 7 and php ive been trying to make this PHP-PKPass Class to work with ios 7 it works fine with my Safari browser I can visualize the ticket when i try to download the package to add it ...
user3008885's user avatar
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Passbook web service URL can't be recognized by PKPass

I am building a passbook web service and backend. I use PHP-Passbook to generate the pass file. The created pass can then be added to Passbook. However, it won't call my web service. I checked my code ...
turygo's user avatar
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How to call a function in php for iOS passbook file download

I have a getPass.php which creates a Pass instance. Here is the code: //create new pass instance $coupon = new Pass("pass/source"); //fill in dynamic data $coupon->content['serialNumber'] = (...
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