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issue in working of pdfmake in mobile front

i am trying to make use of pdfmake for my angular project, the pdfmake is used to generate the invoice of order in my project. I is working completely fine for the web section but not working for ...
BP_Kaushik Shukla's user avatar
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How to store file to specific folder using pdfMake?

I have used a third party library which is pdfMake. Generally, pdfMake is used to convert the HTMl to pdf. I want to download that file to specific folder. This file.pdf is downloading to the default ...
Meet Shah's user avatar
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How to POST file in a FormData Object from AngularJS to ASP.NET [duplicate]

I'm trying to screenshot an invoice page in html as canvas with HTML2CANVAS, then create a pdf with pdfmake, I need to send the pdf file to the backend via http post, I have this function : $scope....
Ayoub Salhi's user avatar
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HTML/CSS Report - RTL Language

I am not very expert at all when it comes to html layouts. I am trying to generate an invoice report which looks exactly like this: Print dimensions must be 13.9cm x 22.8 cm but I am finding a ...
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pdfMake Cannot read property '_calcWidth' of undefined

I am trying to generate a pdf out of an HTML table. The table has two columns, the headers are names of two objects. Each of these objects has a list and the rows of the table correspond to the values ...
Vinay Vullakula's user avatar
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Code Block breaks the pdf using PdfMake

Scenario : using pdfMake in AngularJS to create a pdf and it is working fine except for this code block, which when included inside the div marked for the pdf creation results in a blank pdf. This ...
Ed Taylor's user avatar
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Remove header from pdfmake table.

I am using the pdfmake to create the pdf. I used following code to create the dynamic table. buildTableBody(data, columns) { var body = []; body.push(columns); data.forEach(function (...
Hemant's user avatar
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PHP table + pdfMake + AngularJS

I'm a noobie of PHP and AngularJS. I have a webpage that communicates to a web serves with PHP - AJAX. It queries a database, and echoes the result (a big table) in an html placeholder. I want to ...
filb's user avatar
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html2canvas and pdfmake not showing images in PDF

Using html2canvas and pdfmake to export HTML to a PDF file. Doing this in an AngularJS framework. The problem I am having, images in the HTML are not shown in the PDF file. data does contain a base64 ...
Marc's user avatar
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How to split the image in pdfMake and insert to multiple pages using AngularJS?

At first I thought it is working fine but after a couple of testing, the data became large enough that it won't fit to one page. I researched some questions but it didn't help me enough so here's my ...
Mark's user avatar
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AngularJS to pdfMakeTypeError: Cannot read property 'ownerDocument' of null at html2canvas

This happens when I click the export button which is $scope.export = function() { html2canvas(document.getElementById('balanceSheet')).then(function(canvas) { document.body....
Mark's user avatar
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AngularJS pdfMake with html2canvas is not defined at b.$scope.export error?

I don't know why is it like that. In the tutorial that I follow it says I don't need to inject anything to my app.js any ideas? Check this link here's the code of my function $scope.export = ...
Mark's user avatar
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Generate pdf with pdfmake in angular js with text formatting

I am showing data response from server in a popup. I am trying to download that data as pdf using pdfmake plugin. Data is generated as pdf, but the challenging is I need to generate pdf file just ...
Sankar's user avatar
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Download PDF from bytes coming as string

I am getting bytes as string from API response: $scope.image = "/9j/2wBDAAgGBgcGBQgHBwcJCQgKDBQNDAsLDBkSEw8UHRofHh0aHBwgJC4nICIsIxwcKDcpLDAxNDQ0Hyc5PTgyPC4zNDL/...
sjain's user avatar
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pdfmake open() not working when div hidden on page

I am using pdfmake in my angular application to print visitor passes containing photo with other details. Its working fine when I have pass layout on HTML page and then print by calling pdfMake....
Ganesh UP's user avatar
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