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PDF conversion to different page format using pdfjam

Basically, I have pdf letters generated in various of formats like A4, A3 and customers would like to convert those formats into Letter format All pdfs are created using pdfmake library in node.js ...
GGO's user avatar
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Quick question: Best way to design PDF templates with Angular and .NET 6, focusing on table-heavy layouts? [closed]

What is the best solution for designing PDF templates with Angular and .NET 6? The main requirement is to be able to design templates that primarily consist of tables In my quest to create efficient ...
PASHA's user avatar
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I am trying to use pdfmake libraries in Angular5 and it is giving ERROR in node_modules/@types/pdfkit/index.d.ts:603:23 - error TS1110: Type expected

I tried using following import statement : import * as pdfMake from 'pdfmake/build/pdfmake'; import * as pdfFonts from 'pdfmake/build/vfs_fonts'; (pdfMake as any).vfs = pdfFonts.pdfMake.vfs; It gave ...
Barkha Agrawal's user avatar
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Dynamic PDF Generation Angular , NodeJS

Trying to generate a pdf something like this. Although this is not ideal. for more than a week has gone, not able figure which approach should i go for. Client Side : html to pdf generation didn't go ...
Sachin ganeshkar's user avatar
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how to achieve circular shape image using pdfmake in nodejs

I am using pdfmake to generate pdf's in node.js. const imageBuffer = await imageToBase64('image path'); //image from azure blob storage const pdfData = { content: [ { image: `...
Code The World's user avatar
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Image isn't shown in pdf with Puppeteer

I'm generating a pdf from an html sample with puppeteer and handlebars. Everything works good except an image is shown in the browser (headless mode) but when pdf is generated the image disappear. I ...
Jabc's user avatar
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How to guarantee the integrity of a PDF generated with pdfmake?

I have a Node.js service that creates a PDF file for download using pdfmake. It works perfectly, but I need to find a way to guarantee the intergrity of the generated file, so that any changes in that ...
Rene J. Martins's user avatar
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pdfmake: Table headers not coming appearing for a few tables

I am trying to create dynamic table content and it seems to be working fine. the content is of following type content: [ { text: "5.24011.01.0", style: &...
Vivek's user avatar
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How to upload the PDF file generated by pdfmake library to the cloudinary in nodejs?

I am trying to generate a Invoice PDF file from the order data that I receive in the create order API, and then upload that generated Invoice PDF file to the cloudinary. I am able to successfully ...
Aditya Cholkar's user avatar
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PdfMake library in nestjs is giving me a font error

I am trying to create a pdf in nestjs with pdfmake. For some reason I keep getting this error "UnhandledPromiseRejection: This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function ...
Chris's user avatar
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pdfmake is returning undefined

I am using the pdfmake package to generate PDFs, but when I test on Postman, it returns undefined. My app.js: const express = require('express'); const bodyParser = require('body-parser'); const path =...
Zain Chris's user avatar
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Error when using fetch method and NodeJs route [closed]

I got an issue using fetch method in JavaScript with a NodeJS routing. My JS code : fetch(url, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*', 'Content-Type': '...
tonymx227's user avatar
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Is there a way to make PDF generation async with PDFMake?

I have an API for pdf generation and I'm using pdfmake for this. Some files take a long time to generate (1 second) and if I have several concurrent request, the response time increases. For the ...
dssof's user avatar
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Migrate from Birt Report for pdf reports

My company is currently using Birt report to generate different pdf files like invoices, bank reports, etc. But as the number of users have increased, we are having some troubles because Birt consumes ...
dssof's user avatar
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Download a file generated by "pdfmake" with a graphQL query

How can I make a query in graphQL that can download a pdf using "pdfmake" @Resolver() export class PdfResolver { @Authorized() @Query(() => String) async CretePdf() { const fs = require(&...
Jorge H's user avatar
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