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How to test navigation when using Jetpack Compose on WearOS

I want to write connected android tests which validate GUI behaviors and the navigations that are triggered. For example swiping on one screen to open a menu, which is a navigate() call to go to ...
Jeremiah Jordan's user avatar
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Getting error for startDestination gives error in Wear Navigation Compose with type safety

How to use Navigation library in Wear compose with type safety version. The SwipeDismissableNavHost's startDestination propety doesn't accept Any value like NavHost. Used Dependency for wear ...
Vishal's user avatar
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How to integrate call/Incoming/call with WearOS?

We have a call(VoIP) capability in our phone app and wanted to integrate in our Wear/Watch App. We see from other apps like WhatsApp, etc the call channel is given to the Native Incoming/OutGoing ...
dj_4war's user avatar
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How do I set the icon in the list of complications?

How do I set the icon that appears in the list of complications? Here's my complications code, and screenshots of my icon showing correctly in the list of apps, the small icon showing correctly at the ...
elliptic1's user avatar
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How to fetch and show pulse rate in android watch face

How to fetch and show pulse rate in android watch face. In the context of an Android watch face, I aim to present the user's heart rate (pulse rate) without necessitating runtime permissions.
Suresh Kumar's user avatar
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Gestures in Android Wear

I'd like to ask you about the gestures in android wear. There is some app (game 20x48), and playing that game player can swipe from one side to the other. And the problem is: when I swipe from left to ...
Erik Nikoyan's user avatar
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WearOS app rejected because of "show scrollbars" [duplicate]

I have a WearOS app published since years but since a few weeks updates get rejected with the helpful message "show the scrollbar" and link. For the best of my knowledge, and I checked ...
crysxd's user avatar
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Android Wear OS Health Services - Sleep Detection

Is there any way to programmatically subscribe to sleep / awake events from within an app that uses Android Wear OS' Health Services? The docs reference creating synthetic data for these events (see ...
Alex Rothberg's user avatar
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WearOS Health Services Spot Measurements

Does WearOS Health Services allow taking spot measurements for anything other than HEART_RATE_BPM? I have tried checking the list of capabilities on both a Google Pixel Watch 2 and the emulator, and ...
Alex Rothberg's user avatar
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Preventing App from Being Put to Sleep in Wear OS 4

In Wear OS 4, a new feature was introduced to put apps into sleep mode while they run in the background. There's a list in Settings -> Battery -> Sleeping apps, with the apps that will be put to ...
UriP's user avatar
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How to animate navigation in Android Wear OS Compose

What I want is some screen transition code with a sliding animation. val navController = rememberSwipeDismissableNavController() SwipeDismissableNavHost( navController = ...'s user avatar
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Request dangerous permission for wear os watchface

I'm trying to create a watch face using some data. However, I need access to ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION to get the user's location. From the sample provided here, the watch face is launched as a service and ...
user3826764's user avatar
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No Wear OS Virtual Device for Android 13 (API 34) in Android Studio's Device Manager

In Android Studio's Device Manager, I'm unable to find a virtual device option for Wear OS with Android 13 (API 34). While I've noticed options for Android 13 for phone devices in the "Virtual ...
UriP's user avatar
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WearOs Physical Home click event detect programmatically in JetPack Compose

Is physical button click event is possible to get programmatically in jetpackCompose and whatever if YES then i need an solution or some ideas about how can i achieve this and if NO , Then i need ...
Sunny Patel's user avatar
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Wear TileService Layout Component accessibility

Any way can i add accessibility to TileService layout component like LayoutElementBuilders.Text. I can't see any api to set accessibility. Anyone have idea or solution, please help me.
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