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Jetpack Compose Navigation navigate build backstack when navigating

I have the following nested graph: @Serializable private data object Onboarding @Serializable private data object OnboardingScreen1 @Serializable private data object OnboardingScreen2 @Serializable ...
Niklas's user avatar
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How to pass data to nested navigation of Jetpack Compose Type-Safe Navigation?

I have two nested graph group and group details. Group details graph has 3 screens, which need userId. How do I pass data to the nested navigation? Without directly calling the first screen or other ...
IYCS's user avatar
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Android Compose with Navigation - DeepLink with full URI

I’m using Jetpack Navigation with Compose in my application, and I need to parse a URI that can originate from two different sources: 1. A QR code scanned internally within the app. 2. A deep link. ...
Nicolas Pietri's user avatar
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How to test navigation in Jetpack Compose on user click?

I have an app where I have 2 screens: NavHost( navController = navController, startDestination = UserListScreen ) { composable<UserListScreen> { UserListScreen( ...
Always Learner's user avatar
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How to Properly Handle Navigation and Back Stack Logic in Jetpack Compose Navigation?

I need an implementation that follows this navigation pattern. For example, there are screens a, b, c, and d. The navigation sequence is a > b > d > c > b > d. When we are on screen d ...
tereshkevich's user avatar
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Separate content and title in Compose Multiplatform

I am making a Compose Multiplatform App and want to organize my layout based on the platform and screen size. I would like this layout on mobile : And this one for desktop : But the toolbar is ...
Damon's user avatar
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Is it possible to use NavDeepLinkBuilder to build a explicit deep link based on serializable route?

The current NavDeepLinkBuilder seemingly only supports setDestination(id: int) or setDestination(id: String). I'm using navigationCompose = "2.8.0". I tried to use MyRoute::class.serializer()...
chen mo's user avatar
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Jetpack Compose Navigation - Adding custom NavType results in immediate return to startDestination

I'm having a strange issue using Jetpack Navigation for Compose when using a custom NavType. Library is updated to 2.8.4, my code is based off of this tutorial:
Eric B.'s user avatar
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Is is possible to pass annotation class as a arguments to compose navigation?

Is is possible to pass this as an arguments to compose navigation? Now I stil used navigation xml to change from page to another one I would like to change to navigation compose but I am not sure that ...
freeman's user avatar
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Jetpack navigation: How to update ViewModel on dialog close?

I'm working on a simple SoundBoard app to get familiar with Jetpack Compose and Navigation. I'm fairly new to both technologies and am struggling with this: Main view in the app is a grid-like view of ...
Markus's user avatar
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Navigating to a top level destination doesn't save all toplevel states

Problem There are three navigation graphs in my app as nested navigations : HomeGraph, ProfileGraph and MenuGraph. I want to achieve that when you navigate between these graphs through the ...
Sevban Bayır's user avatar
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how to handle Back Navigation Logic for Horizontal View Pager with Nested Sub-Screens in Jetpack Compose?

How to write a logic for Horizontal view pager screens I have 4 main screen and in this 4 screen each screen has multiple screen or view depends how logic fits because there is a also back button in ...
bhavin's user avatar
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Getting error for startDestination gives error in Wear Navigation Compose with type safety

How to use Navigation library in Wear compose with type safety version. The SwipeDismissableNavHost's startDestination propety doesn't accept Any value like NavHost. Used Dependency for wear ...
Vishal's user avatar
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Setting up bottom nav view with navController causes view model cleared when back pressed

My current version of navigation is: implementation("androidx.navigation:navigation-fragment-ktx:2.8.0") implementation("androidx.navigation:navigation-ui-ktx:2.8.0") ...
mohammad fakhraee's user avatar
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How to check if the current destination is top level in Jetpack Compose type-safe navigation?

I have a multibackstack navigation graph where each starting node for the bottom navigation is top level. How can I check if I am currently in the top level destination in order to adjust the display ...
xephosbot's user avatar
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