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contactless payment (EMV transactions) [duplicate]

I have a question regarding the contactless payments system. I want to develop a payment poss device using the CLRC663 chip and stm32 MCU. As I know I need some payment gateway (like Paypal, Stripe, ...
kaxa gvimraze's user avatar
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SCardTransmit returns 87 (0x57), don't know what's wrong. SCardTransmit works with SELECT and READ RECORD

Trying to send GPO with a ACR39U card reader fails with an error code of 87 (0x57), INVALID_PARAMETERS, works with other card readers. It's also working with the SELECT and READ RECORD. Here's my APDU ...
Hasabe's user avatar
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Host Card Emulation only receive one Command From Terminal

Hi everyone I'm creating an application that will mimic the emv card and return the data to POS Terminal issue After recieving the PPSE command I'm unable to receive second incoming command and my ...
Asad373's user avatar
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Interact with multiple cards within NFC range - feasibility

I have a case where I need to interact with 2 EMV cards 'at the same time'. E.g. I need to get some data from both of them, and then make some interactions, first with the card A, and then card B, but ...
gondalf1293's user avatar
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CPU usage is getting increased on NFC usage in android app

On my application I am using NFC to read the NFC card data, After reading CPU usage is getting increased every reading even I kill the activity where I am using NFC. This is happening only in debug ...
SHIDHIN TS's user avatar
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EMV Kernel Development

I am developing a Android app that uses an EMV Kernel. According to EMVco documentation is there a specific standard used to determine whether Samsung Pay, Google Pay or Apple Pay is being used for ...
Leylan's user avatar
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How to extract Voucher AID from google wllet using APDU command in Android

I am currently working on a project to read or make transactions with cards stored in my Google Wallet. When I try to read records from my Visa card, everything works fine. I use the SELECT PSE ...
Yonatan Shkolsky's user avatar
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"GET PROCESSING OPTIONS failed" error while reading a smart card with cardpeek software

I'm currently having a problem while reading a card with cardpeek software. At the starts and end of the operation i keep on getting this error: GET PROCESSING OPTIONS failed, the script will continue ...
Stefan Neagu's user avatar
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M-TIP 27 Test 01 - Scenerio 01 - In second gen AC the terminal request an AAC

I'm working on the M-TIP - EMVCo L3 certification and on Test case 27 01 01 I keep receiving an error on the second generation of AC, the terminal keeps requesting the TC instead of AAC when the ...
Batuhan Kaya's user avatar
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Convert jPOS request to manual request

I make JPOS request for iso8583 and use the following code: String FileParam = "jpos_fields.xml"; GenericPackager packager = new GenericPackager(FileParam); ISOMsg isoMsg = new ISOMsg(...
user1786639's user avatar
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Pos certification issue

currently doing MTIP pos certification and I'm getting an error 96 on pos device once after running the test case MCD01 on pos device. which test case should I excute from master card simulator? Need ...
vishara shehan's user avatar
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VISA Generate CDOL2

I tried to import transaction status (CDOL2) to VISA card. I send all expected tags [91, 8A, 95, 9F37, 9F4C] and values [8A0230309108A5E6BB0D00860000, 000, 8080008000, BE66ABE7, 00] but card refused ...
Tolkin's user avatar
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Security considerations on EMV keys

Can someone help me understand how EMV Issuer Master Key rotation should be handled? A first step would be to figure out if i have to talk about rotation or replacement. I mean, as a best practice ...
MaXbeMan's user avatar
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EMV RSA Recovery Function in c#

I'm implementing the EMV issuer public key recovery in .net8.0 but cannot get this unit test to pass // from javaemvreader var modulus = Convert.FromHexString("...
Tolu Ogunremi's user avatar
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payments api EMV data cybersource

I am trying to use the Payment API using EMV data at cybersource. This information needs to send: I am not sure where I can get the Tags and and how ...
mysaes_jgo's user avatar

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