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Facing an issue with the geolocator dependency in flutter Once add to the pubspec

I'm facing an issue with the geolocator dependency in flutter. dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter cupertino_icons: ^1.0.6 geolocator: ^12.0.0 dev_dependencies: flutter_test: sdk: ...
Just AMAZING Cloud's user avatar
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How to access GoogleMap() onMapCreated in another class using GetX? The animateCamera didn't work

This is the scenario I have been facing Based on the code below (sorry I just copied all my code so that I can understand the answers well), I wanted to animate my Google Map screen from the current ...
fedong's user avatar
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How Can I Share Live Locations in My App without need for Installation

I'm working on an flutter app with live tracking. I want users to share a link with their friends that shows their live location through messaging apps. Clicking on the link should open Google Maps ...
Natt1102's user avatar
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Flutter and flutter_map: labels rotate when map is rotating

I would like to add a map view to my Flutter app and was considering between google maps and flutter_map with Mapbox. Since custom markers seem to be a problem with Google Map and Flutter I decided to ...
Maximilian Scheffel's user avatar
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Flutter error: NoSuchMethodError (NoSuchMethodError: The method 'getDouble' was called on null

Upon starting my Flutter app it shows me the following error: NoSuchMethodError (NoSuchMethodError: The method 'getDouble' was called on null. Receiver: null Tried calling: getDouble("lat")) ...
Praveesh Ramroop's user avatar
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How to find the name and coordinates of the place we are nearby?

In Flutter what is the most correct method to find the name and coordinates of the place we are inside now using Google Maps or Google Geolocation API? searchNearbyWithRadius() seems to be such a ...
porton's user avatar
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direct location using google maps application

// custom function to locate the location to direct using google maps app Future<void> openMap(List<CustAddressModel>latitude,longitude) async { String googleUrl = 'https://www....
Unknown Programmer's user avatar
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Current location on the google maps (Flutter)

I try to get current location my device and use it in initialCameraPosition, The function is executed and I get the coordinates and set it in _currentPosition After starting the screen i have an error:...
Sergey M's user avatar
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Is there any way to track device location even when the app is in its killed state? [duplicate]

Is there any way to track device location in which our app is installed even when the app is on its killed state in flutter ? Just like some device tracker. Any packages ?
Janam Maharjan's user avatar
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I have a problem No host specified in URI -flutter

I have a problem when i add String humanReadableAddress = await Assistants.searchAddressForGeographicCoOrdinates(userPosition!); in home page No host specified in URI
Saharut's user avatar
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How can I check for location updates within a scaffold of a body of GoogleMap in Flutter

I want to be able to monitor for location updates within the GoogleMap body so when the user approaches a certain point on the map the if statement in checkFirstClue() is called and an alert dialog ...
ethandsz's user avatar
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Flutter - Get Current User Location

I saw that there are several methods to obtain the current user's location on flutter. I shortlisted it to two but cannot find which one would be more suitable and why. These are the flutter ...
flutter dev's user avatar
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How do you fix a error like this? in flutter

static Future<DirectionDetails?> obtainDirectionsDetails(LatLng initialPosition, LatLng finalPosition) async { String directionURL = "
Cool Vibes's user avatar
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How to activate tap to route to Google Maps

It says Google Map is not installed or is disabled. Google Map is installed. So somehow disabled. How can i use it in my project? This image will show you what i meant: Codes are here: const double ...
Berkan's user avatar
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Flutter - geolocator, Error: No named parameter with the name 'forceAndroidLocationManager'

Launching lib\main.dart on Android SDK built for x86 in debug mode... Running Gradle task 'assembleDebug'... ../../../flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/
Ronel Sadullo's user avatar

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