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Dropdown menu duplicates Hover

I have a problem with the hover event in my metronic dropdown menu, when I have the cursor over the menu button the hover is correct, but when entering the options the menu turns white, I suppose it ...
Hugo Jiménez's user avatar
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How can I get a portlet to fill the empty space instead of starting at the last vertical ending position of another portlet

So in the picture below you will see how my portlets are rendering, this sizing issue is due to the data within them which is hidden here for business purposes. I would essentially like to have one ...
Jonathan Rostami's user avatar
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Using KTDataTables, what is the correct way to filter multiple DataTable columns?

I've been working on getting some filtering functionality working on a practice project that uses Metronic by KeenThemes for building pages with Datatables. The only issue is I cannot get multi-column ...
Lenny's user avatar
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How to create beautiful dropdown menu in bootstrap

I have created a simple dropdown menu using bootstrap Basic bootstrap dropdown <li class="nav-item dropdown"> <a href="" id="dropdownMenu2" data-bs-toggle=&...
Ernesto Pareja's user avatar
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2 answers

Metronic generated layout don't see css styles

i am trying to generate metronic layout with layout builder, but when I try to open index.html I just see this: screenshot It seems to me like it can't see css styles When I open just html demo, it ...
Sizor's user avatar
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How to populate a tooltip with data using PHP and Metronics within a Table?

I am using Metronics framework for the frontend. I want to be able to hover my mouse over a table underneath a column and display the data on the tooltip. How can you do this with PHP and HTML without ...
NoBody's user avatar
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$(…).datepicker is not a function in Metronic bootstrap 4

I can't implement date picker from Metronic in my html website. It return me with the error of '$(…).datepicker is not a function'. I have tried adding datepicker plugin throught those below but non ...
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3 answers

I can´t show service response in angular component

I try to show a data in an angular component from a service, all the process from service to component is ok, but when i use the variable in html it not show the result. I used this Metronic Template: ...
Carlos Andrés Montoya Cardona's user avatar
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Set HTML table content instead of Ajax

I'm trying to add an advanced search to an html table. So far with Datatable.js I managed to implement the regular search, but in the theme I'm using, I can't read informations directly from my html. ...
BronzeJamie's user avatar
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Dropdown menu above portlet

I have a dropdown menu in a row in a portlet. <div class="col-md-6"> <p class="todo-red todo-inline">Gestionnaire : <span class="bold">Name</span&...
suiL's user avatar
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3 answers

Making sidebar menu wider results in problems when toggling the menu because width stays fixed (Keenthemes Metronic)

Im working on an angular web app. A Keenthemes Metronic sidebar has been added. Some of the menu texts are too long and they overlap other elements. I know that I can fix this by doing: text-overflow: ...
Fth's user avatar
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external js from keenthemes metronic theme not working in angular

hey guys so I am using metronic theme and I made an angular version of demo3 HTML version and everything looks fine except if I import external js like this <!doctype html> <html lang="...
alirezas's user avatar
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4 answers

How to remove left sidebar in Metronic Admin Theme?

I'm using Metronic admin theme. I have a login screen with footer, header and sidebar. I want to remove sidebar completely on my login page. I researched solutions but none of the solutions solved ...
Devrim Akıncı's user avatar
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m-aside-left sidebar into a div

In my web application, I have a fixed sidebar in all the pages for the menu. In a particular page, in addition to the fixed sidebar, I created a div in the body of this page and I want to insert ...
GigiProve's user avatar
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