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Handling events on Metronic Tailwind CSS components in Blazor

I am attempting to use Metronic (9.x) with Blazor, and have started a project based on the official sample found here:
Karl's user avatar
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Dropdown menu duplicates Hover

I have a problem with the hover event in my metronic dropdown menu, when I have the cursor over the menu button the hover is correct, but when entering the options the menu turns white, I suppose it ...
Hugo Jiménez's user avatar
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How can I get a portlet to fill the empty space instead of starting at the last vertical ending position of another portlet

So in the picture below you will see how my portlets are rendering, this sizing issue is due to the data within them which is hidden here for business purposes. I would essentially like to have one ...
Jonathan Rostami's user avatar
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Creating dashboard with Metronic & Vue & Tailwind

So I want to create a dashboard with metronic vue tailwind. I have 2 zip files, the first is metronic vue 8 and the second is metronic tailwind html 9. first zip is a sample dashboard with vue and ...
techno's user avatar
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Formik doesn't update a value given by state

I am using Metronic React Template and customizing a form. Some of my form fields' values are kept in a state. When I submit the form with filled inputs, those values are returning as empty strings ...
eren's user avatar
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Metronic 8 step buttons in wizard form doesn't work (react)

in Metronic 8 step buttons in wizard form doesn't work <button type='button' className='btn btn-lg btn-primary me-3'> <span className='indicator-label'> {stepper.current?....
Ayoub MNAFEG's user avatar
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Implementing Internationalization (i18n) in Django

How can I effectively utilize internationalization (i18n) in Django Metronic to make my web application accessible in multiple languages? I'm struggling to implement i18n in my Django project with the ...
Biplab Ganguly's user avatar
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Dropzone inside a Django form

I'm trying to make a django form in which I want to upload a photo (Dropzone) and enter its title. I can't send the title field and the photo to my view at the same time. Could you please help me ? ...
Romain's user avatar
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Component load before data load in Angular

Is anyone using Metronic Theme ? In the metronic theme components load before data loads from API and data doesn't update after data is changed. Where I tried another theme named DashPlex and it's ...
shuvo's user avatar
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How to Resolve Y-Axis Gap in ChartJS Line Graph

I have a line graph created using ChartJS that represents the fluctuation in material prices over dates. Most materials have prices ranging from the $200s to $600s. However, there is one material with ...
KINGGANG's user avatar
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Server does not return JSON

In development, the server returns JSON. But in production it does not return JSON. I found that in production, browser does not send X-Requested-With header. In development - Note the X-Requested-...
testkit's user avatar
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Customize Laravel API Pagination

I'm attempting to make my API match this response: { "data": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Emma Smith", "avatar&...
CyberRunner's user avatar
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Module parse failed: Unexpected token (426:12) I am unable to use Redux Toolkit with React

I am working on a template by Metronic which has the react version ^17.0.2 package.json { "name": "demo1", "version": "8.0.38", "private": true, ...
Haseeb Irfan's user avatar
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Metronic (4.5.2) setup background images in LoginPage when I use ASP.NET MVC 5 project

This is an example loginPage in Metronic Sample document. I copy this code to my ASP.NET MVC 5 project. But LoginPage does not show background images. This is the Metronic example loginPage: Code in ...
JeanLi_DEV's user avatar
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Using KTDataTables, what is the correct way to filter multiple DataTable columns?

I've been working on getting some filtering functionality working on a practice project that uses Metronic by KeenThemes for building pages with Datatables. The only issue is I cannot get multi-column ...
Lenny's user avatar
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