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Questions tagged [frame-rate]

The frequency which an imaging device produces unique consecutive images. It is most often expressed in frames per second (FPS).

25 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Quake 1: frame timer

If you check Quake 1 source code (sys_linux.c), you can see something like this: ...
user1095108's user avatar
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timing rendering to monitor screen update

I have an application with a very light rendering loop, taking a predictable and small time to execute. Right now, I have two solutions. The first solution uses Vsync: after a screen update, my ...
low latency's user avatar
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Unity 5 Google Cardboard VR SDK Frame Rate

I am running the Google Cardboard's official demo which doesn't really have much things on the scene ( on my Personal Unity 5 on my Nexus 5. The ...
whiteSkar's user avatar
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Unity 2021/2022 laggy/stuttering Android performance compared to Unity 2020

I have been working for quite a lot of time with the Unity 2020.3 LTS releases and everything seems to be running smoothly when building for the Android platform. I recently decided to upgrade the ...
Panagiotis Iatrou's user avatar
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Frame-rate drops when drawing 2D map tiles

Update: I figured out it has nothing to do with the camera but instead framerate drops when drawing my map tiles onto the screen. Here’s a link to a video showcasing the bug in action (For further ...
TheCo's user avatar
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Unity post processing Bloom lags on mobile

I made my (first) game today and noticed, that it looked kind of boring, so I decided to add some bloom to my camera and it was looking waaay better. The only problem was the performance, it dropped ...
Liquid's user avatar
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Programmatically get FPS in Ursina

In Ursina, how can I programmatically obtain the current FPS count as number (like extracting it from the fps counter in the upper-right corner)? I need this for phyiscs calculations in Ursina. I have ...
EarthAndMoon's user avatar
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"ginvalidate frame buffer" calls when testing Unity VR app on Renderdoc

Hi I'm testing out a VR app created in unity 2020 LTR and I'm currently hitting 71fps.. Render doc shows atleast 6ms.. being taken up by the givalidate frame buffer call, happening twice.. What is ...
giomagneto's user avatar
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Odd SDL VSYNC behaviour when monitor is set to 50 Hz

I am observing strange behaviour with VSync in SDL. I have this code: ...
arminb's user avatar
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Simulating movement input in server-side, with different tick rates

I'm designing a simple MMO game server with the help of ENet (reliable UDP library) and the Godot engine for client-side. I've read tons of articles, guides, stack exchanges questions regarding ...
Mdr's user avatar
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vSync for gameplay in monitor and VR headset in Unity not being consistent?

Following my previous question, I'm building a project, my monitor refresh rate is 60Hz, and in my project I have set my vSync value into 2 so I can get 30fps. ...
raisa_'s user avatar
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How to keep my auto-aim in sync with the rendered frame?

In my FPS game there is an automated lock system. If you stare at an enemy, your weapon locks onto the enemy as long as your aim is hovering approximately around the target. If my player sets frame ...
Blue Bug's user avatar
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How to update game handle touch input faster

I'm making a LibGDX game where the player needs to tap to jump. But in this game, the player has to tap extra fast because the player needs to jump extra fast. The problem is, the program can't ...
Eames's user avatar
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How to resize animation in libgdx?

I want to draw an animation, the size of each frame is 500x500px but when I try to resize, the animation seems to rotate... Here the code to load frames and create animation: ...
forsaken122's user avatar
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Why can't I limit FPS inside Unity editor?

I have an Unity app that requires a stable fps in editor. The fps itself is really high anywhere from 200 to 280 the problem is that is not consistent. I tried to limit it with the code belove but it ...
Ivan's user avatar
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