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Firebase Multicast Message Integration Connection Max pool warning

I am encountering an issue with Firebase where I see the following error message in the logs: Firebase Connection pool is full, discarding connection: Connection pool size: 10 ...
Abdullah Algumar's user avatar
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Open a browser from firebase push-notification without launching the application?

I want a simple feature, when application is in killed state I want it to open a browser instead of application when user clicks on the notification. public void showNotification(Context context) { ...
Kanwarpreet Singh's user avatar
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How to play alarm sound from push in react native firebase android device also when device is on mute (DND) like critical alert in iOS

In iOS there is option for send critical push. { "apns": { "headers": { "apns-priority": "10", "apns-push-type": "alert" ...
Gal Danay's user avatar
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Flutter Azure Notification Hub: 401 Error When Registering Device with FCM Token

I'm trying to integrate Azure Notification Hub with Flutter for push notifications. The Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) integration works fine, and I'm able to receive notifications through Firebase. ...
oussama aziz's user avatar
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Android Firebase Push Notifications - some devices aren't getting all notifications. Is there a sending limit?

I have an app in which the users can interact with each other through comments. Every time a user gets a comment/reply, he gets a notification. Some users who are very active are sometimes complaining ...
TheGreatCornholio's user avatar
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Background notifications not working in release mode - _firebaseMessagingBackgroundHandler is being triggered

This is just for Flutter and Android since at the moment I'm exclusively focusing on Android. I am using the packages firebase_core and firebase_messaging for setting up and triggering push ...
Afonso Semeano's user avatar
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firebase_core integrating issue in flutter app

I'm integrating push notifications in my Flutter app and have successfully installed the firebase_core package. However, upon importing it, I'm encountering the following error: It appears that there ...
TRIDEEP KUMAR's user avatar
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Firebase Messaging: "UNREGISTERED" Error When Sending Notifications to Multiple Devices

I'm facing an issue with Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) where I get an UNREGISTERED error on one device when I send a notification to another device. Here’s a summary of my setup and the issue: I ...
laurentmeurisse's user avatar
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Restricting foreground notifications in ionic angular capacitor app

I am using AWS SNS to trigger firebase notifications for android like below. The stack is ionic angular, capacitor Versions - All latest aws sns publish --endpoint-url
Surya-dharmakrishnan's user avatar
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Flutter Firebase notification is not redirecting to relevant screen

I have a flutter app and the I use Firebase and flutter_local_notifications. Currently, my app receives notifications and when I click them, it opens up the app. However it is not redirecting to the ...
Rohith Poyyeri's user avatar
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How to Send Notifications Using sendMulticast with Token Chunking in kreait/laravel-firebase?

I'm using the kreait/laravel-firebase package to send push notifications to a large number of users. Since I need to send notifications to a large number of device tokens, I'm trying to use the ...
sr sagor's user avatar
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Show Thumbnail Image on the right in Remote Push Notification on iOS

How can I show a thumbnail image within the push notification on iOS? Screenshots at the bottom SetUp seems to be working as I get the icon, title & body within the payload as well as the image ...
Slyghtzen's user avatar
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In-app notifications without push notification permissions in a web app

I’m building a PHP application with a web JavaScript front-end and need to send notifications to users within the web app. However, not all users will accept push notifications, so I want to implement ...
tony's user avatar
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How to receive Firebase notifications in the background in Android?

I am developing an Android application that uses Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) to send notifications for incoming calls. I want to ensure that notifications are received even when the app is in the ...
senanurr's user avatar
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Receiving double push notification in my flutter app with firebase

I am receiving push notifications in my flutter app and using firebase. When sending through firebase I receive it only once and when sending through backend server I receive it twice. I am using ...
Sahil Nag's user avatar

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